Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
brah. lovin the outdoor garden. Very natural feel to it. I would do the same but i lack the privacy needed for that. REP to ya.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
much aloha maxswell!!

where in the hell am I !!! wassup brah!! thanks for checking my journal !!!much appreciated!!!

I'll be heading down to the beach later so I hope to post some more random pics!! aloha gang! thanks for the love!


I am know subcribed!!! i grow outdoors too...and need help on something!

I dont toke that much so I got 2 plants right know at like 1 month and a week...
how do you make the plants flower early....im trying to keep them short as possible cuz i live in the states...ive heard you can make them flower anytime?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
brah. lovin the outdoor garden. Very natural feel to it. I would do the same but i lack the privacy needed for that. REP to ya.
bro...you got a sick set-up yourself!! looks like I got the outdoors covered and you "holding it down" in the indoors! your set-up is sick!!....
*peoples .. check out maxswellls grow* :)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I am know subcribed!!! i grow outdoors too...and need help on something!

I dont toke that much so I got 2 plants right know at like 1 month and a week...
how do you make the plants flower early....im trying to keep them short as possible cuz i live in the states...ive heard you can make them flower anytime?
thanks for coming bro.... yeah..we have short hours during summer but the heat is intense and the summers are longer:)so I just have to manipulate the plants ....:):peace:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
also gang....where in the hell got a cool journal going on too!! actually a few cool journals, check his out! peace

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
random pics..... *edit* pics on next page.....lost attachments somehow on this post*

pic1...vines that look loike weed

pic2...yellow hibiscus

pic3...kong's profile(anahola mountains)

pic4-5...compost aka black gold

pic6-10...a day at the beach

goota charge my camera now:) peace!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
if you ever come to visit the islands, I'll be glad to have you here!! you live in FL. right?! I seen that your moving....back home? Maryland....am I correct? :)

budy budman

Well-Known Member
Howzit Doc.........................:hump:
Whoa you been busy.
Gotta be here with you on the grow, what an exciting start this spring!!!

Just love the misc pictures of your Island and setup. Beautiful and exotic.:peace: SUBscribed.


Well-Known Member
if you ever come to visit the islands, I'll be glad to have you here!! you live in FL. right?! I seen that your moving....back home? Maryland....am I correct? :)
Yeah, I am in Florida right now, until the end of June...Then back to Maryland I go! I am excited! When I plan next years vacation, I will let you know! Nice offer Dr.G, thanks! :peace:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by budy and random!!! I appreciate it:) Sunny, if you plan a vacation to the islands, let me know!:)...... lots of KIND people here!! you would fit right in! aloha everybody....!!


Well-Known Member
good morning my dear. what a wonderful day in Hawai'i nei!! love your shots of your island. and your garden. we're up early yea? have a good day my dear, aloha, aunty

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
Hey Dr. Greenhorn,

I'm subscribed. Really lovely pics of of the Garden. We'll be following your progress with great enthusiasm!
