I thought I would give everyone a laugh.
I will start by saying I am far from gay.
I do have some gay friend's and family.
Anyway's I think this is going to be my Halloween costume.
Back when I was in high school that movie was everywhere on saturday nights and everybody used to go to it. So me being "halfway" normal ended up there and was in for a treat. Everyone knew the entire dialogue and brought props with them. TP, popcorn, water, you name it, if they used it in the movie, someone in the audience had it...
I was pretty high back then so it was a real funny event and I went with my sweetheart who lived in the next town over. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better the movie house had hired "actors" (locals) to play certain characters. Now we had this roley poley kind of guy at high school named Harvey, who is probably worth more than myself today

, and he played the sax in our high school band. Well, when the part of "Meatloaf" starts, here comes Harvey in a big arse diaper running down the aisles playing that dang sax of his...
That was quite a movie....quite a night...