DR. Doom.. this cant be good, pls help


Well-Known Member
recently i just got spider mites and the hydro store suggested dr. doom, even though i wanted neem oil. i sprayed them down on top and bottom, and now a couple hours later my leaves are curling up and looking like there dying, this cant be normal right? any suggestions or comments will be appreciated, thank u


Well-Known Member

Heres pictures just within a few hours of spraying that shit, my plants were looking healthy besides some spider mites that i caught b4 they started spreading, but that spray destroyed my plants


Well-Known Member
Well, did it get the mites too?

lol sorry. I got some spray from homedepot. Its an organic, usable on vegetables up to the day of harvest. It has taken care of my fungus gnats, and said its good for mites too. Plus it has a gentler name :p


Well-Known Member
yea its called doktor doom. they make a fogger too.. it's a well know spray for spider mites, mostly as hydro stores. but yea the mites are definitly gone, but so is most of my plant, well at least the one u just saw, the other one it doing a lot better.. i dont know why 1 plant is more affected than the other, but it is


Well-Known Member
those plants are still short . You can kill the mites using soapy water in a spray bottle . Spray the plant really good being sure to get the undersides and gently rub the leaves . You need to get those eggs off . Make sure to keep a fan on them after so as to make sure they dry well .