Dr.Chronic He Turned Scam


Well-Known Member
Dam mane it did let me repu again
not like u need it lolol;-)
yep all warning have been issued.
i dont wanna hear "i got duked" when they said they had no probs before.. Then decided to order some shit of seeds or even a decent order and ain't hear shit from him or customs.


Well-Known Member
yea:) thanks.
I bet at least one person by October will be on here sayin da doc sucks and I ain't get my seeds.
And I'll recognize the screename hopefully, so I can say "damn what did I say about him"
It's harsh but should've listened.


Well-Known Member
holy shit!..5 or 6 times...lmao...you got me rollin right now..i got ripped off by rhino seeds once..and thats all it took me to switch seedbanks..
Three times in arow.
The first time they never showed but the Doc had such a good rep, I tried again. The seeds made it that time, but didn't germinate.
I emailed the doc and he said he would send me 1/2 back, so I figured I need more than just half so I added to that order, they never showed!

Thats all she wrote


Well-Known Member
Just made my order from Attitude. A few more dollars than the Doc, but delivery is way more stealth, plus a bunch of free seeds to boot, and a tracking number! This is heaven! They say 95% of the international orders will show in less than 7 days!
I already like this place, I have never heard 1 thing bad about attitude...


Well-Known Member
Just made my order from Attitude. A few more dollars than the Doc, but delivery is way more stealth, plus a bunch of free seeds to boot, and a tracking number! This is heaven! They say 95% of the international orders will show in less than 7 days!
I already like this place, I have never heard 1 thing bad about attitude...
dude attitude is the way to go..


Well-Known Member
I like the fact that they give u options for shipping. In fact I liked everything about that place.

Can anyone recommend a good Blueberry strain that flowers in 8 weeks?


Well-Known Member
:lol:at attitude seeds if you put "420" in the code box at chek out you get 15% more off your order, just a reminder.
O yea that coksuker is selling mexican sqag bag seed, that wont germinate anyway. The docs probably sitting in a card board box in a alley some where shooting heroin. with an old baggy in his poket full of seeds he picked off the floor at his connections house. with a few envelopes in his pokets. He probably has to give someone a hummer for the stamps,hahaha:lol::finger:


Well-Known Member
I like the fact that they give u options for shipping. In fact I liked everything about that place.

Can anyone recommend a good Blueberry strain that flowers in 8 weeks?

You can check out my grow buddy!! I have everything from the start so you can see whether or not the Dutch Passion Blueberry is for you??
https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/106055-toney-montanas-dutch-passion-blueberry.html Hope this helps!! All ten of these seeds germinated and I ended up with 6 beautiful females,they are 11 days into flower and full of hairs. They are supposed to finish in 8 weeks but probably an unrealistic #


Well-Known Member
You guys remember the post I made and everyone was all Fuck you Stoney you bitch, The doc is great!!!! To all those that did me wrong I told YOU SO!!! Not to sound like an asshole but when someone tries to help you out check your references before you call names or talk shit cause it can happen to anyone!!! Sorry to all who got fucked by the doc. HEED warnings on here as I don't think anyone wants to see people get ripped off, I know I don't !! GOOD LUCK!!!:fire:


Well-Known Member
thier not really connected anyway, they just happen to saw someone talkin about dick i mean doc and and wanted to defend him. it just takes to hear one bad experience for me , and i'm bailing out.people like that, he coulld
have sold them an ounce of dirt weed for 300.00 and talk about how dependable he was. lol:lol:


Well-Known Member


You guys remember the post I made and everyone was all Fuck you Stoney you bitch, The doc is great!!!! To all those that did me wrong I told YOU SO!!! Not to sound like an asshole but when someone tries to help you out check your references before you call names or talk shit cause it can happen to anyone!!! Sorry to all who got fucked by the doc. HEED warnings on here as I don't think anyone wants to see people get ripped off, I know I don't !! GOOD LUCK!!!:fire:


Well-Known Member
Speck the truth bro
thier not really connected anyway, they just happen to saw someone talkin about dick i mean doc and and wanted to defend him. It just takes to hear one bad experience for me , and i'm bailing out.people like that, he coulld
have sold them an ounce of dirt weed for 300.00 and talk about how dependable he was. Lol:lol:


Well-Known Member
Speck the truth bro
where did you get i hated you???? i always thought you were one of the main dudes here. as far as the insult, that was meant for present people who get on to us and justify him because he hasnt rob them yet. nuthin was ever ment for you.cool.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
Ive been seeing all kinds of threads complaining bout the docs apparent sketchy service. And i think there is plenty of legitimate concern for this but, i recently ordered from the dr. and i gotta say i was pretty damn satisfied. I ordered serious seeds white russian and dp blueberry. I got my order in 9 days and the stealth could have been better but, still it works. IMO the problem is most likely not the seed bank itself. its probably customs or a rouge employee there. I know it sucks getting gipped for your cash but. the reality of buying seeds from any seed bank is that you may not ever receive them. They make you read the disclosure statement for a reason and warn you that its illegal at least in the usa. Thats the risk you take when ordering.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ive been seeing all kinds of threads complaining bout the docs apparent sketchy service. And i think there is plenty of legitimate concern for this but, i recently ordered from the dr. and i gotta say i was pretty damn satisfied. I ordered serious seeds white russian and dp blueberry. I got my order in 9 days and the stealth could have been better but, still it works. IMO the problem is most likely not the seed bank itself. its probably customs or a rouge employee there. I know it sucks getting gipped for your cash but. the reality of buying seeds from any seed bank is that you may not ever receive them. They make you read the disclosure statement for a reason and warn you that its illegal at least in the usa. Thats the risk you take when ordering.bongsmilie
See and that's the thing everyone knows that...
But when no letter comes and so many people say it you have to wonder and put 2 and 2 together.
If its customs that letter would come in the same package with no seeds.

Everyone knows it's illegal and thats okay if customs got them... but not to hear shit from customs is BS.
It's kinda common sense to duke someone out of $400 that live thousands of miles from you and can't do shit about it.
Noone is saying he's doing all orders like this.. Of course not he has to keep a customer base.

Might be a fag employee but... The doc is the one who gets the money.
Employee won't have shit to do but ship the seeds out, I doubt employees handle the money.


Well-Known Member
yea , i read it at chekout he made the warning setup to leave room for rips.cant you see that shit.At first you seemed kind of sharp, now your slipping away.
hell he aint ripping everyone , just one here and there. that, or he's got a litte runner who supposed to take them to the mailbox. but if that was the case he would not be so shitty to us.... If i was you i would keep on buying from him,hahaha.