No not only or explicitly for Mars, but NASA helps to fund some of his work.
I used to think his system was pretty simple. Just use the formula for the media and the fertilizer. However now I see that the lime should be dosed according to the pH of the peat you are working with (mine is already 5.5-6 so I really shouldn't add lime. I think. Does that sound right? Bugbee used peat which was at pH 4 which is why he had to add lime to bring it to 5.5.)
Also the 20-10-20 is no longer the formula he uses. As we know from the above conversations, he is adding all kinds of things like epsom salt and various micro nutrients... hard to know exactly what and how much (anyone?) as it is still evolving too.
So if you saw his original video on Youtube then you must be as confused as me. One day however, Bugbee will start selling his own nutrient formula I've heard (great, another cannabis specific product...).
Now I am using 20-10-20 in veg and growth is a fine albeit maybe a bit slow. I have some 10-10-30 to use for flowering soon. Do I dare to run that in flowering with only that NPK and basically no other liquid micro nutrients added (maybe some epsom and kelp)? Or perhaps for now, it is better to stay using what I know works: a full mix of micro and macro nutrients as provided by typical cannabis nutrient companies specifically for cannabis. Still, while using his nice peat based mix.