• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Dr.Bronners foliar spray killed my buds. WHY? What now?


Active Member
Hey everybody at RUI, you guys are the best.

Last night about one hour before my lights came on I sprayed my plants with with a mixture of 3TBS Dr.Bronners Peppermint Soap, 2TBS 3% h2o2, and 1 Gallon Tap water. Then I fell asleep, woke up 6 hours later to find almost every beautiful white hair shriveling up. I immediately cut the lights off, and sprayed them down with 2 gallons tap water, let em dry good before turning the lights back on. By the time the lights came on tonight there were only a few white hairs left.

I have 24 NY sourD girls under 2 600's. They are almost 4 weeks into 12/12 and they are/were the best looking crop i have grown yet. I was spraying because I was seeing a few mites. I read on another site that I could mix up to 8TBS DR.B's per gallon and spray all the way up to harvest time. Is that Bull Shit? I thought maybe I didnt give them enough time to dry before the lights came on and burnt them. But some of the few hairs left are closest to the lights, so I'm thinking that I used too much Dr.B's in that mixture. According to the other site I used a very modest mixture.

Can anyone tell me for sure if you can use that much DR.Bronners Peppermint soap(3Tbs per Gallon) on a budding plant? Or what a safe mixture is?

Also, what should I do with my girls now that I burnt off all their hair? will the buds still grow? Its almost the end of the next day for them and I don't see any new hairs popping out anywhere. I wanna cry every time I go in there.

I'll put pics up in a little bit. Thanks for any help

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What prompted you to be spraying them with osap in the first place?

And the general rule of thumb is you do not spray plants once they are flowering, only in the vegitative stage unless it is essential.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap is concentrated stuff. I add some to my foliar spray bottles, but only 2-4 DROPS per quart of solution as a sticker/spreader. That would be .5 - 1 ml per gallon, and you used 45 ml.

Also the 3 percent H2O2 has some other stabilizers in it that are not good for plants, but at only 30 ml per gallon, you didn't use enough to do much of anything. To be effective the 3 percent must be used at about 4 times as much concentration.

If you are trying to control mites, even if you mixed correctly that spray would not help to get rid of them.

Your plants will recover and new growth will be perfect.



Active Member
What is osap?

I sprayed them because I can see some spider mite spots on leafs and I've read that Dr.Bronner's can be used as an effective insecticidal soap. And its cheap and it smells great. But I have only read once that it can be used during budding. So I'm afraid I may have made too strong a mix and burnt my buds. Does anyone know for sure?

I've got Azamax in my cabinet, I wish I had just used that. But its expensive, and poisonous, and I sleep about 15 feet from my plants

And the rule of thumb on this site, according to POTROAST the moderator dude, is that you spray your plants all the way up to there final rinse down before harvest. Plants love foliar feeding. And if your RH is good you don't have to worry about rot.


Active Member
does anyone know a good safe recipe for the Dr.Bronners as a mite spray that can be used on budding plants?


Azamax can be applied all the way to harvest and is 100% organic. Try a few drops of pure peppermint oil in water instead of the Dr. Bronners. Also there's Liquid Ladybug which has peppermint oil in it. Good luck.

Grateful Mark

New Member
I have used Dr. Bronners for over 30 years and sometimes you have to do the tedious chore of wiping your plants carefully. I also agree with Pot Roast, Dr. B's is very concentrated, they suggest 1TB per/gal, but even that can be too much for our delicate budding ladies. I'm new to this site, look forward to hearing any tips we might use in Southern Oregon during our current drought, were not used to such dry weather including 90+ temps the last two days.


Well-Known Member
that's a given ;) although I have found over the years if you keep your fans going most of the time after you spray you don't have to worry to much about PM. I mist mine on a daily basis once or twice a week right before lights on with the fans blowing. ;) they love it..
What prompted you to be spraying them with osap in the first place?

And the general rule of thumb is you do not spray plants once they are flowering, only in the vegitative stage unless it is essential.


Well-Known Member
I use 1tbsp per quart of lavender and /or peppermint soap. No issues. I spray the leaves almost the end of flower... I mix lavender , rosemary, and aloe, kelp, dandelions in a tea (add soap at end). It must of been h202 that hurt your plants. Why would spray peroxide anyway. Has no benefit of any kind...


Well-Known Member
NICE.. ;) I love hearing those organic home made recipes like that. I use a old school gardening book thats chalked full of old school stuff like this. Hell I recall 1 recipe even calling for Tabasco sauce for pests. ;) although I have yet to use it, I would say those little shits wouldn't like a mouth full of http:// hs.jpg
I use 1tbsp per quart of lavender and /or peppermint soap. No issues. I spray the leaves almost the end of flower... I mix lavender , rosemary, and aloe, kelp, dandelions in a tea (add soap at end). It must of been h202 that hurt your plants. Why would spray peroxide anyway. Has no benefit of any kind...


Well-Known Member
NICE.. ;) I love hearing those organic home made recipes like that. I use a old school gardening book thats chalked full of old school stuff like this. Hell I recall 1 recipe even calling for Tabasco sauce for pests. ;) although I have yet to use it, I would say those little shits wouldn't like a mouth full of http:// View attachment 3142262
Stinging nettle and habinero peppers work great too


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. yeah the willow works really for cloning. Boy that aloe sure does help out when it comes to burns I sure know that..
I never used willow. I've been using aloe in teas, foliars and as cloning gel for the last couple years. I have a couple huge aloe vera plants outside.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. yeah the willow works really for cloning. Boy that aloe sure does help out when it comes to burns I sure know that..
I have roots in 5-7 days straight into soil (no rapid rioters or anything) with using aloe.

Mix 1 part aloe and 1 part extra virgin olive oil. Makes a healing lotion for cuts and dry skin.


Well-Known Member
Right on bro. ;) yeah like said I knew someone could use it, (aloe) just hadn't never myself. I will give that a try.. Thanks ;)
I have roots in 5-7 days straight into soil (no rapid rioters or anything) with using aloe.

Mix 1 part aloe and 1 part extra virgin olive oil. Makes a healing lotion for cuts and dry skin.


Well-Known Member
okay i was sort of in the same boat as you... here is what i did i have dr bronners peppermint soap...

i had a flying aphid problem the ones that also dig into the soil and eat your roots... i did NOT want to use any chemical cuz i needed to not only sterilize my vegg room but also my flowering room .... i did NOT do the foiler method since my problem consisted in the soil......so i mixed 1 teaspoon per gallon of water and soil drenched most of my plants with no ill effect. HOWEVER.... the one plant that i decided to add 2 tsp to ended up looking like i had overwaterd it bad and showed signs that the roots were no longer working... so i had to chop that plant.... but now i know never to use more than a teaspoon per gallon. ugh

but on the positive side..... no more ahpids..


Hey everybody at RUI, you guys are the best.

Last night about one hour before my lights came on I sprayed my plants with with a mixture of 3TBS Dr.Bronners Peppermint Soap, 2TBS 3% h2o2, and 1 Gallon Tap water. Then I fell asleep, woke up 6 hours later to find almost every beautiful white hair shriveling up. I immediately cut the lights off, and sprayed them down with 2 gallons tap water, let em dry good before turning the lights back on. By the time the lights came on tonight there were only a few white hairs left.

I have 24 NY sourD girls under 2 600's. They are almost 4 weeks into 12/12 and they are/were the best looking crop i have grown yet. I was spraying because I was seeing a few mites. I read on another site that I could mix up to 8TBS DR.B's per gallon and spray all the way up to harvest time. Is that Bull Shit? I thought maybe I didnt give them enough time to dry before the lights came on and burnt them. But some of the few hairs left are closest to the lights, so I'm thinking that I used too much Dr.B's in that mixture. According to the other site I used a very modest mixture.

Can anyone tell me for sure if you can use that much DR.Bronners Peppermint soap(3Tbs per Gallon) on a budding plant? Or what a safe mixture is?

Also, what should I do with my girls now that I burnt off all their hair? will the buds still grow? Its almost the end of the next day for them and I don't see any new hairs popping out anywhere. I wanna cry every time I go in there.

I'll put pics up in a little bit. Thanks for any help
Hey everybody at RUI, you guys are the best.

Last night about one hour before my lights came on I sprayed my plants with with a mixture of 3TBS Dr.Bronners Peppermint Soap, 2TBS 3% h2o2, and 1 Gallon Tap water. Then I fell asleep, woke up 6 hours later to find almost every beautiful white hair shriveling up. I immediately cut the lights off, and sprayed them down with 2 gallons tap water, let em dry good before turning the lights back on. By the time the lights came on tonight there were only a few white hairs left.

I have 24 NY sourD girls under 2 600's. They are almost 4 weeks into 12/12 and they are/were the best looking crop i have grown yet. I was spraying because I was seeing a few mites. I read on another site that I could mix up to 8TBS DR.B's per gallon and spray all the way up to harvest time. Is that Bull Shit? I thought maybe I didnt give them enough time to dry before the lights came on and burnt them. But some of the few hairs left are closest to the lights, so I'm thinking that I used too much Dr.B's in that mixture. According to the other site I used a very modest mixture.

Can anyone tell me for sure if you can use that much DR.Bronners Peppermint soap(3Tbs per Gallon) on a budding plant? Or what a safe mixture is?

Also, what should I do with my girls now that I burnt off all their hair? will the buds still grow? Its almost the end of the next day for them and I don't see any new hairs popping out anywhere. I wanna cry every time I go in there.

I'll put pics up in a little bit. Thanks for any help
Am I mistaken or isn't H2O2 hydrogen peroxide? And if it is pretty sure it is why did you make that end with dr. Bronner's peppermint soap? Maybe that's what burned all the hairs off of your plants? I'm not sure but sure sounds like it!? The recipe I received was five tablespoons of dr. Bronner's 18 in 1 hemp peppermint pure Castile soap one gallon of water nothing else! Not only that it has to make contact with the insect has two completely encapsulated in order to work it by removing its waxy coating and dehydrating the insect doesn't work just spraying it leave or buds 1633732927779622408553.jpg


I didn't think about this a minute ago but you said tap water was there chlorine in the tap water? I'm not sure what chlorine does to the pistols on your plant? But if he'd could shrivel them up I don't know? Hydrogen peroxide. Most definitely will though! I'm not saying never to use hydrogen peroxide when you read about it it says it has lot of good effects like oxygenating the soil, killing powdery mildew, killing all bugs in your soil including the good beneficial bacteria that's not a good one LOL


I don't normally spring anything on my buds but want to smoke russet mites so I did spray peppermint Castile soap... And I saw no shriveling of the pistols what's the Weber but I only used 5 tablespoons of 18 and 1/2 of peppermint pure Castile soap 1 gallon of water nothing else,,,,, pictures taken after application I will keep an eye on them though! 163373478676618861997.jpg16337348146651012581361.jpg16337348146651012581361.jpg