Dr. Bob Suspended ???

Would you get your certification from a doctor who has had a suspended license?

  • Yes. As long as their license is valid now, I don't care.

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • No. I don't want to take a chance my certification will be thrown out and registration revoked.

    Votes: 12 54.5%

  • Total voters
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We did not prevail. We will be making some announcements in a couple of days. For right now I need to collect myself and make some plans.

Dr. Bob
Well Greg, congratulations, you must be very pleased with yourself. Wonder if all your buddies share your joy. I handled about 10% of the state's medical marijuana patients and was the only provider of pain management and suboxone services in most of my areas. You think my patients are as happy as you are? Nice job.

Dr. Bob
We did not prevail. We will be making some announcements in a couple of days. For right now I need to collect myself and make some plans.

Dr. Bob
So what is the deal now? What are many of your loyal paitents supposed to do? I know a hand full and they were so loyal
We did not prevail. We will be making some announcements in a couple of days. For right now I need to collect myself and make some plans.

Dr. Bob
So my question to u now dr.bob is, what bout all your loyal paitents what happens to all of them ones that have been so loyal to u and came to you for help with there problems and now are just screwed....for what for doing the right thing for getting what they thought was the legitimate way to get help for there problems and without any calls or notice or email from you just got left in the dark to suffer in pain.....i know a few people that go to you in mt.pleasant and as of last Wednesday they got a huge slap in the face when going in for there monthly deal with you bc they were unable to see you an had no idea or heads up of anythin thats been going on this whole time so now they are all just pretty much screwed with no options just left to fend for themselves when these people have been so loyal to you and came to you o help and trusted you ......so now what what happens to them??????? Or whats gonna happen for them as far as seeing you for there add problems now???????
It wasn't over the amounts of meds used. It was over the fact I didn't repeat CT scans and order physical therapy on patients that have been under outside pain management (with 3-4 or more times the amount of meds) for years. They also objected to my use of medical marijuana in place of narcotics (it is a controlled substance, right- why didn't you send them for physical therapy and injections instead?).

This is a chilling ruling for patients suffering from pain, for patients that prefer to use medical marijuana rather than narcotics, and quite frankly by targeting me of all people they wanted to send fear into any medical marijuana certification physician in the state, so don't be surprised if no one takes over for me.

If you think I was targeted for pain management rather than my activities with medical marijuana on the state wide level, you aren't looking at the politics of the issue. But I guess that is all in the past now.

Dr. Bob
We never saw anyone for ADD. We did everything we could to resolve it and offered people appointments at the offices in TC and Gaylord where we had a physician. The only thing we can do now is provide records on request as they find new physicians. If I had my way I would be seeing them, but cannot. Make sure your anger is directed in the right place. We have always stood by our patients and our management of those patients. This was unexpected and very sudden. Our patients have been notified as they called for appointments as well as those that had scheduled appointments and until yesterday we had hoped to be back up and running.

We filled a need when no one else would. We can no longer do it through no intent on our part. Formal notifications are going out and this has been crushing to us- not because of the practice or the business, but because we were helping people that needed us.

Dr. Bob
I appreciate you helping one of my ptsd patients when you did. He has worked through his court issues, married his wife last month and they bought a house last month.
His story is great one of how PTSD was ruining his life, but with cannabis he is a productive member of society and a great husband and father.
You helped him out when he was in a serious bind and I appreciate that.

I have many stories of how cannabis has helped so many!
As far as suboxin goes. Every single person I know that takes suboxine is nothing but a fucking junkie still.
That shit is horrible. If may very well be from them abusing it, but if you give a fucking junkie something like suboxine, of course they
will abuse it. Just like they did the heroine, or wtf ever it was.

I don't know what this is about, but I wanted to say thank you for helping my friend, and also say fuck suboxine.
Well those suboxone patients are now turning back to the street rather than getting better and reducing their dosages. I am sure they are thanking you for your harsh comments on something that changed their lives for the better. As for your friend with PTSD, that is why I stood up and testified to the panel to get it added.

Dr. Bob
Now if you will excuse me, I'm not in the mood to have the Sarah Palins of the board just stop by to cheer about this tragedy for our patients, our hard built practice, or my family and I as we try and figure out where to go from here.

Dr. Bob
Suboxone may have helped some. I have not seen any. When the raids were done in escanaba rounding those tweakers up, that's how they all used it.
Now I'm talking shit about tweakers and suboxone, not you. The few junkies I knew well enough to know, they drove down to petoskey. So obviously you
weren't giving it out like they were. But the people I know on suboxone are same people that inject pills and heroin.
It's an entirely different world than that of medical marijuana.

Good Luck to you.
Suboxone may have helped some. I have not seen any. When the raids were done in escanaba rounding those tweakers up, that's how they all used it.
Now I'm talking shit about tweakers and suboxone, not you. The few junkies I knew well enough to know, they drove down to petoskey. So obviously you
weren't giving it out like they were. But the people I know on suboxone are same people that inject pills and heroin.
It's an entirely different world than that of medical marijuana.

Good Luck to you.
And not a single one was a patient of mine.
We never saw anyone for ADD. We did everything we could to resolve it and offered people appointments at the offices in TC and Gaylord where we had a physician. The only thing we can do now is provide records on request as they find new physicians. If I had my way I would be seeing them, but cannot. Make sure your anger is directed in the right place. We have always stood by our patients and our management of those patients. This was unexpected and very sudden. Our patients have been notified as they called for appointments as well as those that had scheduled appointments and until yesterday we had hoped to be back up and running.

We filled a need when no one else would. We can no longer do it through no intent on our part. Formal notifications are going out and this has been crushing to us- not because of the practice or the business, but because we were helping people that needed us.

Dr. Bob
I completely understand what your sayin dr.bob....but the fact of the matter now is that none of your paitents from your mt.pleasant office are able to get appointments in gaylord or TC they call and are told by them that there all not accepting any of dr.bobs paitents sorry we cant help you!!!!! Soooooo now what so many are suffering through bad withdrawals from being on suboxone treatment and no one cares!!!!! Thats my point!!!!!!
I care very much, to the point I am sick about it. But I cannot force someone to take a patient, be it a pain patient or a suboxone patient. The fact that other doctors are afraid of these types of patients is a fact of life and one of the reasons we stepped up as a practice to do it. Our ability to continue to do it has been removed. There is always an underlying feeling of fear of the medical board, DEA, local drug task forces. In the area where this happened, word came down that the only acceptable form of treatment for addiction was abstinence and tylenol is offered for chronic pain.

The only good news is that all my patients were on low dose therapy, and while it is a tragedy for those well controlled patients to have to stop cold, at least they have a shot of getting some relief due to the reasonable needs they have and withdrawal, if it comes to that, will not be as bad. If we had not been as responsible as we were, it could have been far worse.

Dr. Bob
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