Dr.Amber Trichome
Well-Known Member
Hey Brandon, thanks for doing that math for me. There are so many variable i guess to add in, but in the end any way to grow is fun. I hope your groww is going well. hey i just remembereed brandon, you inspired me for some pictures i recently took, thanks dude.Hey Amber! Great Job! Those cola pics look sooooo bomb, especially that Lemon Skunk. The math of it is easy, all you do is use proportions. 10oz/75 days= .133333 oz/day (12/12 growing). 13oz/98days= .13265 oz/day (14 week lifespan). The numbers show that 12/12 growing would yield more throughout the year if as soon as you harvest you started a new set. That's kinda surprising
thanks kev, i always appreciate your postive words and feedback. I will be in paris in 2 weeks, ya wanna meeet me at the Louvre and we can discuss art and politics. i cant wait to see your club 600 photo contest pictures. good luck and maybe you'll win something!excellent amber hun..there great buds...respect...
When it comes to concerts rap is crap, you need to be able to feel and see the musicians really feel and play their instruments.Dont get me wrong, rap is great music but not when it comes to concerts. I recommend you checking out your local classical orchestra or a little jazz or rock or ragae will do too.but you just cant expect too much from rappers.Peace out My brothaI read that math and then decided I was still totally fukking baked from last night, lol. For some reason Kool Keith has something for old ladies, he kept rambling on about liking 98 year old wrinkly women...do you like your partner wrinkly? ffs what a douche, lol.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Peace, DST
damn that lemon skunk is good!yeah, i appreciaate it very much, i appreciaate a man that knows his shit! now im going to grow me some tangerine dream.Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shittttttttttttttt look at that tasty looking lemon skunk!!!!! I'm coming over for a smoke off some of thatYou're the first of the lemon skunkers to be smoking the end result so I'm super fuckin jealous lol and your side by side of the snow white is awesome. I'm curious if they smoke differently than each other as well (flavor, smell, buzz)

Happy Medicating, i hope you all feel better soon. love Amber