Welcome to Ambers Coffeeshop in the Mountains. A shop to surpass all others, a place to chill and take in snowy peaks and heady reaks. On the menu today is.......probably something lemony
Hope you are good girl. Good luck with the snippers.
Peace, DST
I LOVE THAT IDEA!!! u are fuckin BRILLIANt, simply Brilliant master


and to you i dedicate this special Elvis song. 34th anniversary of his death.
. [youtube]uSwmFiFN3gA[/youtube]
awesome ambs, i like to do the same thing, save at least an 8th of the strains i've run throughout the year for Christmas.
hope your trek was fun!
We will both have delicious weed cellars one day master.My trek was unbelieveable. Like heaven on earth. I got beat up pretty bad. Lots of brutal rock climbing. The mosquitos were relentless. But is was worth every bite.I felt like i was paralyzed after day one. but got some decent sleep and made it up all the way to Perfection lake! this time.
You have got to go there some time donnie, your heart would melt.

Brandon you are totally on your way to the wonderful weed cellar magic too. we will get to the wizzard one day just follow the yellow brick road.
oh shit, i cant post the pictures here but i will in the next post.. its getting tooo coomplicteddsdeded....
you see.. SMoke REport.. here .. first dried cured on day in jar lemon skunkeroo.. YES YES YEs DROWN THE BIthCeS DroWN dem Biaotches.. it works. this shit was super smooth like it had already been cured for weeks. The lemon flavor was bursting like sunshine .. Brillaint beautiful sativa high.. i m loving it.. peace babies.. Amber
and the bears will get the BHO for sure. The marmots will love the space cakes. The chipmunks go hog wild over the hash brownies and the mountain goats love to smoke da KUSH.. cuz it