Hey, you never said whether or not you were hip to the Headpins???
ha, no not hip to the headpins Riddleme, thanks for turning me on to them.
Wassup chef Howard?
Namaste' bro
Namaste' Lumi
HAHAHAHA So no wanker? I was talking to one guy from London and he kept saying things like, "So me and my best cunt were out drinkin and.....", or "I tell you, he was one of the finest cunts you ever could meet!"....... WHAT? He told me calls all his lads "cunts". HAHAHAH I'm moving "across the pond".
ahahahah, cunt is a word that is definetaly not used enough over here in the good ole usa.. its a powerful harsh sounding word, i think its a funny word and like the way euros use it. Whats a good name to call people from Europe? Thats a funny story bushy.
I want a subscription to your Zine. Can you make a riu zine with all the funniest wierdest characters in it, that would be really cool!

you would be even more famous and everyone would love it!!!!!!!]
thats too bad doc...im trying to make it to the h/times conv in june.lotsa riu'prz goin!
Hi KmK.. im going to look into this a little more since your going too. Who else is going and where are you guys staying.. is there a cheap hotel somewhere. It does sound like a really really fun time. Im thinkin maybe i can pull this off somehow.
Good day Friend. Just in to say HIGH ( as a mofo lol ). Hope you'r having a sweeeeeeet day man!
Hey Cindy. how it over the pond? have a stoned out day man!
Holiday. where you going, where you going, where you going? hehehe.
Def skip the Ham Shanker term Bushy, in Scotland cunt is used a lot, and in England, if you drive a white van, you can call everyone a cunt and use the word purely as a sentence filler!! And like you said, calling someone a "daft cunt", e.g, Aye a ken DST, he's a right "daft cunt"....would be considered a term of endearment. Sexual parts are often terms we use in the UK to describe the people we love and hate (or love to hate) ...fanny, sausage jockey (or knob jockey), bell end, bobby,...and of course, cunt to name a few. The English language is great!! lmao.
Have a great day peeps.
hehe. yeah you know i told you man, Thialand to smoke up some fresh Thai stick broada! some fresh thai, mmmm good! hahahah
ahhh i do love a righteous swear. i abhor the use of swearing as filler.
update was killer doc! and yesh thats deffo bud pr0nnage!!!! WE HAVE LIFT OFF!!!!
YES .. lift off!!!! i cant believe how they are bursting now.. eveyone of the bigger girls are finally going through puberbty!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

great update girl! your so awesome! i so get your humor. i hope you have a fantastic day. the sun finally came out today, so i'm going to try and work in the yard today. love it!
Hey stonie, thanks for the compliment, have a sunshiny day in your garden!
Chopped Hilda this morning 538 grams wet from those 3 colas
Glad ya liked the songs
Tell me more about HIlda, i know nothing about this beautiful beast. thats baby is one heafty cunt!!!!! lol
D?!?!? SAUSAGE JOCKEY?!?! BAHAHAHAHAHAH. I know what ALL my friends are getting called next time we're out drinking.
"Hey Bushface, can you grab me a beer while you're up?"
"Quit your wankin' and get it yourself sausage jockey!.....Just kidding, here's a beer."
"Sausage Jockey?!?!? BAHAHAHAHAH." (my mates will like that as much as I do!)
AMBY!!!! When do you think you're gonna flip the switcheroo for the 12/12? I can only imagine you are getting pretty excited. I would be with those ladies you got there! You are truly gonna have an amazonian jungle of John Holmes appendages inside of your tent. (odd mental image!)
Riddleme! Hilda looks great! let us know how she tastes/smokes!
Hey BUSHY!!!!!!! i want to go drinking with you mate.. your so much fun!!!! are you going to the san fran med mj cup?
I switched to 12/12 one and a half weeks ago but i didnt change my 600 watt veggie light out till tonite.. TOnite is going to be a magical spiritual energized evening. I get to put in my killer flowering light .. im one excited cunt!!!!!!!! this is what its all about. the bitch better not be broken!!! I really hope i can pull off some meaty beasts, that would be a dream come true.
Im so happy all you guys are here for all the postitve mental support. As you all know its a lot of work , energy and dedication to make a happy healthy garden , or at least its been for me. this will be my first really big grow and its really exciting. thanks for everything !!!!!!

she smokes awesome! got to try it when i was at the cup.
wow, i wonder if she will be at the San Fran cup.. Stonie can you go?