DPC-12000TD " Electrician ? "


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused and hoping someone can chime in. I'm looking at DPC-12000TD. Here's what it say. " In addition to effortlessly powering ten 1,000 watt lights at 240-volts, the DPC-12000TD has a special feature to protect the life of your bulbs during power failures. Dial-in a delay of .1 to 10 minutes before your lights will restart when power is restored after a power outage. The DPC-12000TD is a great choice for serious growers. Top quality from the inside-out, every component is selected based on safety, durability, and performance."

According to the manufacture all you have to do is plug this device into a 240v dryer outlet and bam you all set up to run over 10k in watts lighting. If the dryer 240v outlet standard dedicated circuit allows up to 30AMPs from a 100AMP main panel. This would exceed the Circuits available AMPs? Am I missing something ? Unless I am mistaking and the 240v dryer outlet actually has 50AMps dedicated. 10k divided by 240 = is close to 42 AMPs. Running continuously for 12 hrs exceeding 80% usage seems dangerous and that's if the outlet is even tied to dedicated 50AMP circuit coming from the 100AMP Main Panel. Like I said, maybe I'm missing something and hopefully a qualified electrician can clear this up. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I just received clarification that this unit would work if plugged into a stove unit, and the 7500 model is dedicated to a 240v dryer plug and play. But still would like to hear from anyone who has first hand knowledge pertaining to this product. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
I am no electrician, but my concern would be the total
power that the circuit is designed to hold. It will just flip
if you over-do it I suppose. Good luck!



You'd need a 50a circuit to run and yeah the breaker should trip out if it is to much, at 41.7a your just over the 80% it should hold up. Also depends on how long the wires are to the outlet, shorter the better obviously