Dozer's First Hydro - Purple Urke - Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
These pics were taken at the beginning of weeks one, three, and four.
I forgot to snap a group photo at the beginning of week 2. My bad.

Weeks 1-3 group photos:



Well-Known Member
Did you get the clawing issue resolved? I'd offer my help but any guesses I came up with wouldn't be any better than yours.

Looks like they're growing pretty well, all told.


Well-Known Member
So, one of my plants is having this issue where a couple of the leaves are 'clawing' downwards and turning yellow towards the tips. They are also developing spots in the yellowing area. As it's presently only the tips of two fan leaves, I'm not stressing too bad about it, but to keep it from spreading, I cut the tips of the leaves off.

Does anyone have any idea what the heck this is?




Well-Known Member
It's day 26 of my hydro experiment, and I am pretty pleased with the way things are going. My PH had been running a little high with this batch of nutes for some reason. No worries, really. I've just been adding 6-12 drops of PH down every morning and evening to allow the PH to range between 5.5 and 6.
It's beginning to smell nice in there when I open the door.

I wanted to take some pictures of the tops to illustrate why to top your plants. I topped, then re-topped, and now I have four tops on each plant.
I'm attempting to LST the four principle branches of each top outwards to encourage multiple flower sites to develop, similar to the scrog method.
Things are starting to get interesting in there. I think I'm going to veg these girls for a week or two more, and then it's flower time! I'm hoping to completely canpoy the lower area and use LST to achieve relatively level flower growth as they reach upwards. I should note that I only have room in this space for them to grow to four or five feet tall, so I'm maximizing space utilization by making them as bushy as possible.

How do these compare to your hydro setup at this stage of growth?



Well-Known Member
Well they don't really compare because I'm pretty new to hydroponics. I'm still getting my system put together. I've been studying a lot but I'm no expert or anything. All books, no practice.

I did find this thing for you -- Breeding Cannabis: Revised: The Complete Guide To Sick Plants,pH and Pest Troubles By MynameStitch

The only reference I could find to "clawing" or curling downward was from too much nitrogen. Read through it - there's lots of pictures - and see what looks most likely to you. Keep in mind that often times you can have more than one problem at once, because too much nitrogen can lock out calcium, for example.

Like I said, I'm no expert, so until someone a lot better than me comes along don't put too much stock in my advice. I could be right, though. It could happen.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I emptied out the system and mixed a new batch of nutes. Since this is one area where my journal is a little light, I thought I'd expand a little, and get very specific on what nutrients, in what quantities I added to the solution. FYI: The nutrient mix below is created by taking AN's measurements on their little hand out nutrient chart for the fourth week of growth in veg and roughly halfing the recommended amounts.

To ten gallons of reverse osmosis water, I add:
40ml Sensi Grow A
40ml Sensi Grow B
45ml Mother Earth Tea
25ml Humic Acid
25ml fulvic Acid
25ml Sensical
100ml SensiZym
50ml Liquid Karma
In a cheese cloth hung in the reservoir(see pics), I added
2.5tsp BioCat
5tsp Tarantula
5tsp Pirhanna

When I'm done with all of this, I have an EC of between 1.2-1.4.
using ECx700=PPM, this is between 840-980ppm at half the recommended strength. Be careful when using AN nutes. They make things grow fast, but using their suggested dosages will kill your plants dead.

I'm thinking that if this rate of growth continues this week, I'm going to start flowering them next week or the following.

Those of you that do hydro: Would you go head and switch out the light next week if you were me, or would you wait an extra week and let them get a little bushier? I'm concerned about height. I only have about four or five feet above the current canopy to work with, but I don't want to jump the gun and limit my harvest. Thoughts?:confused::peace:

And now, some pics.



Well-Known Member
I've decided it's time to flower. I'm waiting to see if people think it's a better idea to wait to switch the light until I can load the solution with flowering nutes. If it's better to wait, I'll be switching to flowering on Sunday. Otherwise, it's this afternoon.

As part of the shift, I'll be switching to a 600W Hortilux SuperHPS from my metal halide, and using connoisseur for the flowering cycle. Some of my friends have used it and said you get sick yields. We'll see.

PH is a little upwardly mobile again. It seems to want to hover at 6.1-6.2 naturally if I dont do anything. EC is 1.4(980PPM)

And now: Some Pictures!



Well-Known Member
Last night, I swapped the bulb from the Metal Halide to mySuperHPS. Jeebuz that fucking thing is bright! Whoashit! how do people work in rooms with those things burning? I've been reduced to wearing my snowboarding goggles in there when the light is on. whew!

Anyways, more pics:



Well-Known Member
Well things in D0z3rville are great, boys and girls. Ever since I put the new bulb in the fixture, the plants have gone all hormonal on me. They're smelly like they're in full bloom, and there's no buds yet. Whew! On top of that, the PH in my system has chilled out and is now resting happily at 5.7. This has caused me to go through five gallons of water since Sunday,(it's Thursday now) and my girls are gaining an inch of girth and height a day. On Sunday, I'm going to give the system a full flush, wipe everything out, and mix up a batch of connoisseur. I'm really excited to see what purple erkel looks like in full bloom with this much light in such a small space.


D port Growth

Well-Known Member
very nice doz3r a ice time to flower also u will have som dense bud swell and yea those Super HPS are Bright as FUCK


Well-Known Member
It has begun!
My girls are maturing very nicely. The pre-flowers are starting to swell. eight weeks from today, I'll be cutting down some monster bush! I've started to increase the dosage of nutes. Slowly, but surely I'm increasing the ED/PPM. Right now, my PH is steady at 5.7. I've raised my EC to about 1.6(from 1.4) this week. If the girls look happy, I'll probably raise the EC next week to 1.8, and see how they respond. The root systems on my plants are very healthy. I'll take some pictures the next time I have to pull one of the pots up. The roots are ivory white, and are hanging in droves down into the nutrient solution. Next to the long, stringy ivory roots are very short, fat stark white fat hairy roots that look like a gazillion little tiny white hairlike roots hanging from a tiny white cone. Here are some pics from topside.


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Well-Known Member
The canopy is now so thick I cant see the floor.


This pleases me greatly. In addition to being all big and bushy-like, the girls have taken to growing taller all of a sudden. This also pleases me greatly, but I'm going to need to find a new place for my thermometer.


Bud sites are forming nicely



and the roots are completely out of control in the nutrient solution base.




All in all, things are swell in the dozerville.

I'll keep you good people up to date. It's going to be a loooong seven weeks for me.

:peace:visualize whirrled peas.:peace:

