

Active Member
So a friend dropped by some clones today that I asked for over a month ago. Some "friend". He brought me half dead clones, covered in powdered mold and DEFINATELY spidermites. Unfortunately he was gone before I looked at them, and now I'm stuck with some spidermite plants. NO GOOD. they were in my grow room for about 10 minutes, long enough for me to see the mites on them. I then put them in a box and took them out on the deck. I called my buddy up and bitched pretty hard, I doubt he'll fix the situation. Some friend, eh? So is there a chance that my nice crop might get infected? I vacuumed the area where the infected plants where and I took them directly out of the house. What do you guys think?


New Member
better get some insectiside, it don't take much or long to have them all over the rest of your plants, that was pretty dirty of him.


Active Member
they were barely in the room for like 5 minutes, now they are on the patio (that's never opened) I figure a week and those plants will be dead. Another week or two after that and they'll be compost. Is there any way to save those plants? Personally, I don't want to risk it. Everything I've learned so far says to not allow them into your grow space. Fight them off if you get them, but just don't get them---and he invaded the little fuckers into my space!


Active Member
Yeah dude I think u should be fine. Even if your homeboy refuses to fix the situation, its not like your 100% fucked. First, powdery mildew is easy as pie to get rid of. The spider mites (while they are pretty bad for your plants and REALLY hard to get rid of) are fairly easily knocked out if you catch it early and spray 'em like a motherfucker while the plants are still small.

I have always had problems with spider mites (even when buying clones from a legit dispensary). I just learned to live with it - ill never ever ever win the battle, but I can keep it in check pretty well with a little neem-based blend I mix up every couple days and spray them with.

Pretty fucked up that your boy did you like that though :P


Well-Known Member
well if he is your "FRIEND" maybe he just aint knowledgeable when it comes too plants , i mean he did GIVE them too you right, i wouldnt make a big deal of it unless hes a prick just slap em around silly :) just be glad you caught it when u did ... SHIT NO ONE GIVES ME PLANTS FOR FREE IM JUST HATIN


Active Member
lol when I ask for something, usually there is some sort of payment in return. I just don't advertise illegal sales all across the internets, seein? So basically spider mites are like HIV or something. You can't cure them, but with proper medication, it can prevent outbreaks. Awesome.