doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

Well I had to order another bigger chest freezer because the crew is loving this live Rosin so much they have dedicated entire plants just for Live Rosin making. The key will be freezing & kiefing the plants quickly at the peak of flower while they have the most terpenes & flavor....8)
Well I had to order another bigger chest freezer because the crew is loving this live Rosin so much they have dedicated entire plants just for Live Rosin making. The key will be freezing & kiefing the plants quickly at the peak of flower while they have the most terpenes & flavor....8)
Cool stuff!!!
Absolutely beautiful brother, you and the crew have done another outstanding job, you have won over some new fans out here in Colorado that's for sure. Denver is a trip, go out to the industrial sections of town and the smell of herb is all over the place. Harvest approaches. It's literally "in the air" What a great feeling it is to be in a non hostile totally legal environment. California'state Prop 64/AUMA leaves a lot to be desired, but it will work. I will vote "yes" on it.
Im glad I dont have that shit in front of me as an option because though its a step, I still feel like its bullshit. Same reason shit didnt fly in Ohio and got crushed is because it was/is bullshit. I would have voted no on it, but thats me. To each their own.