doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

Ill look a fool if i dont get there for the 17 a tour guide for yosemite park,visit to lake tahoe,salmon fishing with the crew ( can i leave the wife at fumbles lol..i have no choice she loves fishing ) visit blindfolded to jjs farm to touch sage n diesel in real life and chat to pc, oh and my first blackout dabs at the bbq :) smoke some cherry pie yeeehahh
Sacramento isn't that bad, but I-80 between Sac and the City (That's San Francisco to you visitors, never ever say 'Frisco') is a poor excuse for a freeway. I definitely don't recommend going to the City BECAUSE OF I-80. In case I didn't say it, it sucks.

I definitely second the idea for visitors to see Tahoe, Yosemite, and Mt. Lassen if you ever visit Sac. If you like wine, head over to Napa BUT you have to take goddamn I-80, but not quite as far as going into the city. If you want smaller crowds and just as good wine, head a little further into Sonoma.

Why do I hate I-80? Both my kids and my grandkids live in Sac and I travel there at least once a month on effing I-80.
I know I'm a week behind the conversation, but NY&CH came around on the USB this morning when I was driving to work. I said, "that would have been a great video to post on JJ's thread last week when we were talking about hurricanes." So for the better late than never post:

Sacramento isn't that bad, but I-80 between Sac and the City (That's San Francisco to you visitors, never ever say 'Frisco') is a poor excuse for a freeway. I definitely don't recommend going to the City BECAUSE OF I-80. In case I didn't say it, it sucks.

I definitely second the idea for visitors to see Tahoe, Yosemite, and Mt. Lassen if you ever visit Sac. If you like wine, head over to Napa BUT you have to take goddamn I-80, but not quite as far as going into the city. If you want smaller crowds and just as good wine, head a little further into Sonoma.

Why do I hate I-80? Both my kids and my grandkids live in Sac and I travel there at least once a month on effing I-80.

There are several nice vineyards down the river road ...Freeport in South Sac as well...i loves my wine. :-)

Lol @ruby fruit love to go salmon fishing myself...immpossible though with my shoulder