Larry {the} Gardener
Well-Known Member
nope, wrong band. My brother's band does mostly covers, but his originals are effing awesome!
here he is: end of hijack JJ
I like these guys better. Good band.
nope, wrong band. My brother's band does mostly covers, but his originals are effing awesome!
here he is: end of hijack JJ
Russian River today......
I've heard of catfishing, but. . . . .
At one of my spots on the feather, we tie up all our salmon to a tree/bush at the edge of the river. We all bring our dogs. Its fucking hilarious watching them fuck with the salmonI've heard of catfishing, but. . . . .
One time my father-in-law & I had just shot limits of Pheasants out in the rice chex's & we were about 200yds from the truck when up jumps a wounded rooster running, & my dog caught it. As I was taking the bird from my dog, my father-in-law says "look whos here"...and I see the game warden truck pulling up......
Nice! Any other warden could have been a prick about it for sure bro.One time my father-in-law & I had just shot limits of Pheasants out in the rice chex's & we were about 200yds from the truck when up jumps a wounded rooster running, & my dog caught it. As I was taking the bird from my dog, my father-in-law says "look whos here"...and I see the game warden truck pulling up......
P.S. he said because he saw the dog catch the wounded pheasant we could take it home...
I was wandering. . . .Sacramento rice chex's......
Miles & miles of rice fields, from the air they look like a checker board. Lots of pheasants live in the ditches. The farmers sell trespass rights during hunting season. Your just hunting on working rice farms.I was wandering. . . .
size of a chicken...Beautiful! How big are the birds? Squab sized?
Pheasants don't have fat like chickens, so they tend to be dry when roasted. They are great in your fav chicken & dumpling or chicken with sauce recipe...I like them stewed with tomatoes & herbs over wild rice....Nice! How do you prepare them?