doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

I wake up with a smile and a woody every morning.
they will adjust the season according to fish counts. Fish & Game will hold meetings next month. We'll know soon
I know an Alaskan fish and game officer, her job is dedicated in making sure Canadian commercial fishermen, and U.S. Commercial Salmon take fish the way the International laws and treaties require. One aspect of her job is she inspects catches, runs DNA studies on the catch and determines where the fish originated. Fish wheels are a problem. Now, rivers are running low on Dog fish salmon, thus effecting native populations, . Five mile long commercial fishing nets combing the waters do not increase salmon populations. The nets kill what is caught. No matter species. Now government is allowing Genetically modified Salmon to be farm raised, I hope these species stay sequestered down on the farm but I think they will get into the chain one way or another. I do not know if those fish will cause reproductive issues or not. Will a GMO type of salmon, after 5 years at sea, know where to go to spawn? Hope they have a heavy run this year so we can all enjoy that yummy fish.
I know an Alaskan fish and game officer, her job is dedicated in making sure Canadian commercial fishermen, and U.S. Commercial Salmon take fish the way the International laws and treaties require. One aspect of her job is she inspects catches, runs DNA studies on the catch and determines where the fish originated. Fish wheels are a problem. Now, rivers are running low on Dog fish salmon, thus effecting native populations, . Five mile long commercial fishing nets combing the waters do not increase salmon populations. The nets kill what is caught. No matter species. Now government is allowing Genetically modified Salmon to be farm raised, I hope these species stay sequestered down on the farm but I think they will get into the chain one way or another. I do not know if those fish will cause reproductive issues or not. Will a GMO type of salmon, after 5 years at sea, know where to go to spawn? Hope they have a heavy run this year so we can all enjoy that yummy fish.
Yeah, many days you will find F&G officers at the dock during salmon season, doing studies..
Yeah, many days you will find F&G officers at the dock during salmon season, doing studies..
We have been boarded by F&G during salmon time and they did not ask permission to board our vessel they just commandeered us, like they owned the place.