doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

that looks dam good,is that a clone only strain or can you get seeds of that?how long dos it take to finish flowering?if not over 8 weeks I would love to try that looks like you had a nother great year and iam happy happy 4 ya.
9 weeks outdoor
I dont think anyone can answer that one, its a random number.....Do you grow anything now? I dont mean specific cultivars, I just mean anything.
Hopefully more than half will be female,on most you can tell sex when they are about 2 ft. tall. plant about three times the amount you will need and you can pick the best to grow out.I pop seeds in April and have avoided flower and reveg issues without the use of lights.
I'm not going to go as early this year. Lots of wasted time last spring when I started too early.