doublejj's Big 2017 Adventure...Wildwood Farm

I'm betting there will be zero shortage of quality bud in California, based on the quantity that's been harvested this season. Don't underestimate the sheer volume of quality bud being grown throughout California, or the ingenuity of our growers to protect their crops and turn out some of the world's finest despite the smoke and fires.

All due respect to all those who lost everything, I'm truly heartbroken to see the loss of life and property in this area and my heart goes out to everyone who have lost everything. My wife is currently volunteering at evacuation shelters and comes home every afternoon to cry, because you just can't show your true emotions to people who are hurting and in need of support. If you're in a disaster area, reach out to someone who needs a hand and offer your support, your help, and most importantly, let them talk to help them release their pain.

To all our fine growers who were in the path of the fires and were devastated, remember that next year will be better and people here at RIU will be here to help.
I'm betting there will be zero shortage of quality bud in California, based on the quantity that's been harvested this season. Don't underestimate the sheer volume of quality bud being grown throughout California, or the ingenuity of our growers to protect their crops and turn out some of the world's finest despite the smoke and fires.

All due respect to all those who lost everything, I'm truly heartbroken to see the loss of life and property in this area and my heart goes out to everyone who have lost everything. My wife is currently volunteering at evacuation shelters and comes home every afternoon to cry, because you just can't show your true emotions to people who are hurting and in need of support. If you're in a disaster area, reach out to someone who needs a hand and offer your support, your help, and most importantly, let them talk to help them release their pain.

To all our fine growers who were in the path of the fires and were devastated, remember that next year will be better and people here at RIU will be here to help.
I have a friend who is an indoor grower. She lost her mother plant as well as all she had flowering when her family had to evacuate from the recent hurricane. Her seed collection was also lost in the craziness. Several RIU'ers, including me, have sent her seeds so she can get started back. We do have a good community here.
No to concentrates from fire weed, the oils will likely be affected. It sounds like the recommendation is to make "spicy" edibles. My heart goes out to those affected. I'm in Sac now but spent a couple of years in Sonoma County. Lots of friends affected there in one way or another either directly or indirectly.

I was shocked to read Steep Hills post the other day using the term "remediation" when referring to what to do with contaminated plants/flowers. They are an analytical lab and should know better. They have since pulled the article down.