doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

My grandparents had a store in Yuba City. It looks closer than 20 minutes but I know how country roads can be leisurely :)

JJ - What do you do? Camp, hotel, home...?
[Quote = "doublejj, post: 11049068, miembro: 69.591"]. Espero que todo esté bien con usted mi amigo : Hug:[/ quote]

I'm fine
thanks friend

much work
with harvest?

a big hug.
Marysville is a 20 ml drive in the country, Roseville/Rocklin is 30 ml drive in the country. It seems shorter because it's a drive in the country....

@ S'Manta

I think JJ answers this best .

The Motel is all fine but they lock the gate at the lake at 9pm . With talking with FM we are going to get a trailer or something so we can get blasted and not have to drive.
I need to get working on this. we will stay Friday , Saturday and maybe Sunday night. Then I think the wife and I are going to Frisco for a few days.