DoubleD's what to believe?

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Well-Known Member
Doubdle D is a liar and he prooved it with his own words in his own thread. He said "he NEVER,EVER " sold or gave away a clone of "His G13" and yet he says "The couple wanted 3 different strains each grow so i located chem d, katsu kush, garberville purple kush, my g13 and a beauty of a cutting, sour bubble bx4... these will be there mother plants."

Here's a link to double Ds own thread;


Well-Known Member
Doubdle D is a liar and he prooved it with his own words in his own thread. He said "he NEVER,EVER " sold or gave away a clone of "His G13" and yet he says "The couple wanted 3 different strains each grow so i located chem d, katsu kush, garberville purple kush, my g13 and a beauty of a cutting, sour bubble bx4... these will be there mother plants."

Here's a link to double Ds own thread;
link not working


Well-Known Member
Did everyone fail to notice that DD lied in his email to Doc? He said he would give him 2 days, when he had already started posting this up. And now he is actually paying people to spread it. If it walks like a lier, talks like a lier and acts like a lier, then my friends it is a lier.
The reason is Dr.G pretty much replied and said "fuck you, I'm not removing it"

Seems like a very professional businessman to me.


Well-Known Member
I don't have an account over there, but is that thread still open? Someone should post in it and say hey wtf? I thought you never sold a g13 cut...

Bust both of these fuckheads out.

I personally would never buy shit off either of these assholes (Dr.GT or doubleD) as neither one of them can be trusted apparently.


Well-Known Member

He certainly sais it, i'm still looking for the statement of him never ever selling the clones. And you probably want to re-phrase or structure your quote because i'm pretty sure DoubleD wouldn't refere to himself as "he" :lol:
yes he does say here that he was selling it
"The couple wanted 3 different strains each grow so i located chem d, katsu kush, garberville purple kush, my g13 and a beauty of a cutting, sour bubble bx4... these will be there mother plants."

Now did he say he never sold it ???


Well-Known Member
yes he does say here that he was selling it
"The couple wanted 3 different strains each grow so i located chem d, katsu kush, garberville purple kush, my g13 and a beauty of a cutting, sour bubble bx4... these will be there mother plants."

Now did he say he never sold it ???
Yes he did. I've seen the thread, its on breeday, don't have the link but it is linked in stonedmetalheads thread on this topic.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yes he does say here that he was selling it
"The couple wanted 3 different strains each grow so i located chem d, katsu kush, garberville purple kush, my g13 and a beauty of a cutting, sour bubble bx4... these will be there mother plants."

Now did he say he never sold it ???
Exactly, someone is claiming that he's lieing and that there is proof of the contradtiction. I'm only seeing evidence of one of the points, without the other, there can be no contradiction :D And as i say, why would one quote be letter for letter perfect, and the other quote not even use the correct form, such as "I" instead of "he" :D

Brick Top

New Member
If DD's cut is or isn't G13 but is some of the best shit around...............I fail to see the problem I guess. As for stoners policing stoners? lmfao!!!!!!!!! :clap

Attempt to look at it this way. People perceive DoubleD's cut as being the Real McCoy, they want the Real McCoy, they are being lied to and being told they are being sold the Real McCoy when they are not being sold the Real McCoy and instead being sold an impostor claimed to be the Real McCoy.

Regardless of if in your opinion whatever fake bogus strain is actually being sold by Dr. Greenthumb ir good or not it is still a flat out case of misrepresentation, a lie to draw in customers and a way to justify an outlandish price per seed. You don't see anything whatsoever at all wrong with that?

What if you wanted to purchase a Lexus and you went to a dealership and bought a really nice car and paid a very high price for it thinking it was a Lexus and later you looked at it closer and it said Lixus on it. Might you not be at least somewhat upset even though it turned out to be a very nice car? Wouldn't you feel that you were lied to and what you were sold was misrepresented as being something that you wanted, but it was not in fact what you wanted and what you thought you purchased? Or would you just say, oh well, it's still a nice car and be cool and the gang about being lied to and fooled?

And yes, the thought of; "stoners," as you put it policing; "stoners," as you also put it does sound somewhat absurd and laughable. But it was a different time, a different era and some 'hippies' believed in a form of 'frontier justice.' They were not going to punch some guys lights out and as much as they hatted the 'pigs' they would never feed someone to the 'pigs.' But they would not tolerate a ripoff artist, a liar, a scammer, so they took matters into their own hands and dealt out what they perceived to be a just punishment. Yes it was harsh and yes it was not exactly cool and the gang. I remember one dealer who ripped people off and was dosed and for the rest of the time I saw him in the area he was never the same. He may have been messed up for life, which is not cool, but like I said, it was a different time, a different era and there was something of a 'frontier justice' mentality in my area where if you did something unacceptable you would pay a price, be 'lynched,' so to speak.

I think one reason it was seen as being less harsh at the time than it is today is because in that era, at least in my area, it was not all that uncommon for people to go to parties and slip something into a friend's beer, or a girlfriend's beer, after also taking some themselves or then taking some themselves,, but then waiting to tell them until just about the time the countdown to blastoff was down to zero. Normally all parties involved would be cool with it and later have a big laugh over it and have fun talking about the trick that sent them to the moon and the fun they had together and how good the trip was.

Sure that is different than not telling someone and doubling, tripling or more the dose, but the basic act itself was not uncommon and often done with friends and girlfriends, so it did not seem as harsh back then as it does today.

It was just seen as turning a dishonest dealer into 'Major Tom' for a number of hours as payback for his crimes against the toking community.


Well-Known Member

He certainly sais it, i'm still looking for the statement of him never ever selling the clones. And you probably want to re-phrase or structure your quote because i'm pretty sure DoubleD wouldn't refere to himself as "he" :lol:
DD has claimed that he has never sold a G13 cut, that he's been offered $25k and more. The thing is there is another guy on here saying DD offered to give him one to make up for a $5000 investment he made due to DD's recommendation, yet he never said if he took it or not. Wish we had DD and/or Dr.G on here to put this shit to rest.

The problem from the beginning wasn't if DD's cut was real or not, it was whether Dr.G was ripping people off and IMO, I think that has been proven well beyond any doubt.


Well-Known Member
DD has claimed that he has never sold a G13 cut, that he's been offered $25k and more. The thing is there is another guy on here saying DD offered to give him one to make up for a $5000 investment he made due to DD's recommendation, yet he never said if he took it or not. Wish we had DD and/or Dr.G on here to put this shit to rest.

The problem from the beginning wasn't if DD's cut was real or not, it was whether Dr.G was ripping people off and IMO, I think that has been proven well beyond any doubt.

I just dropped the bomb over in DoubleD's latest breedbay thread. We'll see what he says.


Well-Known Member
I must be an idiot because everytime someone posts a link from breedbay the only thing I can see is the first post. Do I have to subscribe to read the replies???


Well-Known Member
Much better! Thanks, now I can see what the hell everyone is talking about when they reference that site.

Please update if DD replies.

I don't know what their policies are but maybe you should ask if it's ok to post a link to the discussion(s) here on RIU so that he can see what is going on.

Brick Top

New Member
Can you show me some proof that DD has sold a cut?

Can Dr.GT show any proof of what he paid for his cut and where he got it?

The answer to both of these questions is no. You're blindly putting faith in Dr.GT because you don't want to look like an idiot for putting so much faith in someone who is now being idntified by multiple people as being a con artist.

If you plan to bank on selling 100 a pop seeds by claiming it is some mythical unicorn strain that came from a specific growers garden, you better fucking be able to back it up. So far all GT has offered up is bullshit. If he really bought the cut he should have some type of paper trail or proof of it's lineage. He is either an idiot who spent an outrageous amount on a cut that isn't what it is supposed to be, or he is an outright liar.

When formulating an opinion on if Dr. Greenthumb is misrepresenting his G13 or not people need to remember that Dr. Greenthumb has misrepresented strains before. He has a proven track record of having done that.

As I said, some years back he claimed to have the original Acapulco Gold, and also several other very famous old school strains. I had smoked a good deal of Acapulco Gold from the time I started getting high in 1968 and then later after I began growing it in 1972, so I knew it well. I purchased Dr. Greenthumb's Acapulco Gold and there is no question at all that it was not the original Acapulco Gold, it was not anywhere close, in any way, to being the original Acapulco Gold.

I wanted to try all his claimed to be original old school strains, but after receiving Ghetto Gold instead of Acapulco Gold there was no way I was going to pay money for what I thought would be Panama Red and instead receive Roadside Red.

The line of strains he inaccurately claimed to be true original old school strains did not remain for sale all that long. I can only believe that is because others, like myself who knew the real deal, tried them, and like I did, told Doc that they knew that what he was selling was bogus, so he dropped the line before the entire world learned that he was misrepresenting strains and ripping people off.

Since he did do it in the past why would anyone now believe that he would be above doing it again, especially since he used a 'unicorn strain.' one that would be almost impossible for any customer to disprove since most have never experienced the Real McCoy before and where only a very few people could tell the truth and say it is a bogus strain, but in that there are so few of them Dr. Greenthumb could spin things and lie and in some cases just ignore what some of the few that actually know say ... and continue to claim that he captured the 'unicorn strain' and keep selling for outlandish prices as allegedly being the Real McCoy?

He came across the near totally perfect scam. Selling a stain that almost no one knows well enough to be able to say it's not real, leaving him free to continue claiming whatever he wants and needs to claim to keep those big bucks rolling in.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that post Brick Top. That has always been the root of this issue, to prove that he is lying to his customers and then having his little minions running around trying to say otherwise.


Active Member
When formulating an opinion on if Dr. Greenthumb is misrepresenting his G13 or not people need to remember that Dr. Greenthumb has misrepresented strains before. He has a proven track record of having done that.

As I said, some years back he claimed to have the original Acapulco Gold, and also several other very famous old school strains. I had smoked a good deal of Acapulco Gold from the time I started getting high in 1968 and then later after I began growing it in 1972, so I knew it well. I purchased Dr. Greenthumb's Acapulco Gold and there is no question at all that it was not the original Acapulco Gold, it was not anywhere close, in any way, to being the original Acapulco Gold.

I wanted to try all his claimed to be original old school strains, but after receiving Ghetto Gold instead of Acapulco Gold there was no way I was going to pay money for what I thought would be Panama Red and instead receive Roadside Red.

The line of strains he inaccurately claimed to be true original old school strains did not remain for sale all that long. I can only believe that is because others, like myself who knew the real deal, tried them, and like I did, told Doc that they knew that what he was selling was bogus, so he dropped the line before the entire world learned that he was misrepresenting strains and ripping people off.

Since he did do it in the past why would anyone now believe that he would be above doing it again, especially since he used a 'unicorn strain.' one that would be almost impossible for any customer to disprove since most have never experienced the Real McCoy before and where only a very few people could tell the truth and say it is a bogus strain, but in that there are so few of them Dr. Greenthumb could spin things and lie and in some cases just ignore what some of the few that actually know say ... and continue to claim that he captured the 'unicorn strain' and keep selling for outlandish prices as allegedly being the Real McCoy?

He came across the near totally perfect scam. Selling a stain that almost no one knows well enough to be able to say it's not real, leaving him free to continue claiming whatever he wants and needs to claim to keep those big bucks rolling in.
bullshit. Doc did carry two crosses Golden Haze and JJ's Gold, never a pure Acapulco Gold and they were both really good plants iMHO How many seeds you getting for spreading your lies?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
bullshit. Doc did carry two crosses Golden Haze and JJ's Gold, never a pure Acapulco Gold and they were both really good plants iMHO How many seeds you getting for spreading your lies?
Then why are there so many places listing dr greenthumbs Acapulco gold? Surely if he sells two crosses golden haze and jj's gold he'd be selling them as golden haze and jj's gold, so why is he also selling acapulco gold? I'm confused.

Furthernmore if he never sold a acapulco gold, why is this on his website?
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