Double Purple Doja Seeds


Well-Known Member
Hello, my name is John. I have literally been looking for DPD seeds for a long time and can't find them. I was wondering if anybody knew anything about this strain and who I could possibly purchase a pack of them from? private breeder?
Dude don't bother, the potency just isn't there. Sure it has bag appeal but that's about it. I'd grab some sannies killing fields if u want purple. If u absolutely need the dpd jaws offers crosses of dpd

and i got magic merlin from cannetics many many many a b@n ago.

gdp x dpd

which was, like another person noted, & with a gdp, a bump up in potency from the dble purp dojo.

i cross'd that to lemon skunk 6 years ago.
& still run her to this day. have about 6-7 seeds left too.

merlin's magik lemon
gonna hit it with archive's "face off og" asap.
14er Genetics has em.... Jaws Gear did have em...

I ran 5 of em last year... Very pretty, but as mentioned above, lacking in potency

14er Genetics has pure DPD and they have probably 10 croses with it to increase potency...

Green Life Seeds also used DPD in one of their new crosses. I cant remember the name ATM, but I know who does: yooooo @bigworm6969 lil help?!
find some buckeye purple from melvanetics or packi chitral kush from canobiogen or mendo purple urkle from csi. they come around regulary and all are better than dpd as i have everything purple you can think of for the most part. but guaranteed purple look for a pack of any i mentioned youll find it and have beter potency by far
the double black is good but doesnt throw color as much as people think. i run several packs from matt and they were nice plants but only 3 came out with color. and the pic he has on the site was of plan b black indica not his double black. i have the black indica from plan b but they are no more. i also ran several packs of the black from bc bud depot and ended up with 2 absolute amazing females.
good luck finding a pack.. i do have a pack that i paid dearly for on an auction site .. :D
Why even say that? Good for you man heh. I wasn't asking if you bought a pack. I was simply asking a question. Everybody are such fuckin arrogant infants on here god damn man. Fuck this shit.
racer collects beans.
you dont even know dude.

& he's saying that cause if you cant get a clone.... seeds ....forget it!
the only peeps that would have DPD is a serious collector.

and you would have been buying for the last 6 to 8 years.
just to have DPD in your stash.

im not a fan of that strain. it has matt riot connected ot it.
therefore, imo, garbagio.
magic merlin.
created by outlaw genetics.
also mega hard to find those beans.

better like others noted to grab a x with DPD.
& buy two packs grow them out & select from 20 seeds.
i got a few of them i'd have to look back at the actual cross, but its something like
trip ogk x dpd x magic merlin x gdp from outlaw i just call the Cross merL
Why even say that? Good for you man heh. I wasn't asking if you bought a pack. I was simply asking a question. Everybody are such fuckin arrogant infants on here god damn man. Fuck this shit.

wasn't trying to be a dick, i just meant that finding a pack of dpd from outlaw is pretty hard thing to do is all.. not an easy strain to find, at least ime...
heres the beans I have (Trip og Kush X dpd) X Magic Merlin
I just call it merL I have one female of this outside and its been crossed with Sour dieselV3.0
other than that i have 4 measly beans of outlaws genetics... i could get lucky and make some beans