• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Double Dip Recession Coming?


Well-Known Member
you two are missing the point....the admin (above teachers pay grade) are not being laid off...there are literally dozens of admin who do nothing in any given school district and make a lot of money...teachers do not make that much..in chicago (probably the worst public school system int the country) teachers make 50-85 k depending on degrees and time on the job..it comes out to like 14 k a student per year..WHICH IS PLENTY if spent wisely...like most school systems it is political and the money is mismanaged and teachers are the fall guy...the money is there


Well-Known Member
I am home all the time...I don't really have any skills or motivation...just a big brain and nothing to do with it...all I can see myself doing is learning things just to lecture other people on what I have learned...Kind of like teaching your children what you have learned...so if I can pass onto them my wish and hunger for knowledge then they will have a good chance to do well...I got in trouble for asking questions...I encourage my kids to ask any question that pops in their head, because I like to learn the answer...

we were in the check out line at the grocer and my daughter asks the cashier, "Excuse me Ma'am?" "Why do crackers have holes in them?"...and you see all the adults in earshot freeze up in thought...nobody knew...but my 4 year old wanted to know...and now we know...It is so they bake evenly.
I have retained my wish to know everything on into adulthood and I want my kids to keep hold of it as well...
Sounds like you'd make a good college professor to me.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
All I know is that if a school was not getting by with a $500,000 a year, why would they be more likely to succeed if only given $250,000....not to mention each year more kids start school than what started the year before...so less money each year, but more kids too...it doesn't take a prodigal genius of the light to see that it just won't work out...
I am thinking of keeping my kids home and just schooling them myself...I feel like if given an outline of what they should learn by a given age I can have them finished with school in just a few years...It is amazing what children can learn if you only give them the info and let them know the answers are out there...their little minds are like sponges...and soon the sponges will be full...I want to know for sure that the sponge is soaking up good info and not some canned government bs...especially because we live in a poor area...so now the schools are getting worse and worse and worse...
You don't just give tyhem less money and say, "keep doing the same things but on a smaller scale." We don't want failure on a smaller scale. So..... you give them less money BUT first you make a few changes. Like the union vampires. Then look a teacher salaries (and admin too). Some cuts might be in order. If teachers don't like it, let them find jobs elsewhere. There are plenty of eager young teachers who will do a better job anyway. There are very few schools who could not do more with less.


Well-Known Member
You don't just give tyhem less money and say, "keep doing the same things but on a smaller scale." We don't want failure on a smaller scale. So..... you give them less money BUT first you make a few changes. Like the union vampires. Then look a teacher salaries (and admin too). Some cuts might be in order. If teachers don't like it, let them find jobs elsewhere. There are plenty of eager young teachers who will do a better job anyway. There are very few schools who could not do more with less.
Most of those new eager teachers that come flying out of the gate ready to do their job quit within the first couple years of teaching. Experienced teachers are a huge asset to schools. I don't want someone who has never experienced a child with the learning style of my own...I want someone who's been there, done that, and knows exactly how to teach them...


Well-Known Member
So was it the cashier's job to know that? I'd have said, "ask your mom."

I was saying she'd make a good college professor because she encourages questions and the finding answers to those questions themselves...because that's how College is. you're given a direction, but finding the correct ending is your own journey...unlike high school where you're guided the entire way.

That's why I think she'd make a good college professor...

...not...because of the cracker hole thing....


Well-Known Member
I like that book series "What your ___ grader needs to know"...

The author advocates for a national standard for lesson plans, so that say if a child moves from Main to California in the middle of the school year, they're jumping into the same curriculum they just left. To me, that's a better plan than having everyone on completely different pages so that some students are learning about the same thing three years in a row while others are jumping around hopelessly not really getting the full understanding of a concept or lesson.
My middle child is ridiculously smart and well spoken, and has a beautiful wish to know everything about everything...she has an adult sense on insight, with childlike perception, and I am afraid that public school will ruin her...My oldest is ehhh....he is really smart in a sly manipulative way...more so than just having a thirst for knowledge....It is funny...for real...

Anyway I can go on and on and on about my kids forever, but I won't...because it is weird when people do that...so...back to what we were talking...

We all agree the government sucks...

All I am saying is that they are making us all poor, and sick and dumb with a master goal in mind, as well as being a by product of their own greed...

So they take the money because they are greedy, but poor, sick, dumb people are much more subdued and easy to control and manipulate...
So taking the money also means that it will be even easier to control this next batch of american's...
I there is a Government training video How to get Rich Quick and Stay that Way


Well-Known Member
been there and done that usually = burnt out ...try teaching these bad ass kids and see how long you last..they do not get parenting at home and are out of control in school..i know several teachers who have been been bitten,slapped punched and kicked and threatened ...the bigger problem is the one that starts at home..a teacher can not undo everything in 7 hours when the other 17 hours a day the kid is being raised by his grandma or aunty or a mom who is useless and a piece of crap herself...it starts at home.


Well-Known Member
So was it the cashier's job to know that? I'd have said, "ask your mom."
Well when the cashier didn't know we found out the answer...she asks me questions all the time..what makes her smart, is her ability to see that I don't know everything...that other people have info as well...


Well-Known Member
been there and done that usually = burnt out ...try teaching these bad ass kids and see how long you last..they do not get parenting at home and are out of control in school..i know several teachers who have been been bitten,slapped punched and kicked and threatened ...the bigger problem is the one that starts at home..a teacher can not undo everything in 7 hours when the other 17 hours a day the kid is being raised by his grandma or aunty or a mom who is useless and a piece of crap herself...it starts at home.
Burnt out because of bad pay and continuous budget cuts that make their jobs harder and harder to do correctly.


Well-Known Member
agreed...but throwing more money at the broken system fixes nothing.... it just gives the fat cats more money to siphon ..teachers will still not see a dime


Well-Known Member

I was saying she'd make a good college professor because she encourages questions and the finding answers to those questions themselves...because that's how College is. you're given a direction, but finding the correct ending is your own journey...unlike high school where you're guided the entire way.

That's why I think she'd make a good college professor...

...not...because of the cracker hole thing....
Everyone says that when they say well surely you can see yourself doing something...Well I want to learn about all manner of subjects and then tell people what I learn...their answer is, "so like a teacher?" and my answer is always the same....I never think of teacher when I think of what I want to do..but being a professor is the closest thing to what I want...I have knowledge, and if you want it you can ask..and if you don't want to hear what i have to say about what we are talking about then leave...


Well-Known Member
Everyone says that when they say well surely you can see yourself doing something...Well I want to learn about all manner of subjects and then tell people what I learn...their answer is, "so like a teacher?" and my answer is always the same....I never think of teacher when I think of what I want to do..but being a professor is the closest thing to what I want...I have knowledge, and if you want it you can ask..and if you don't want to hear what i have to say about what we are talking about then leave...
Yes!! Excellent college professor imo.


Well-Known Member
I just want to get a doctorate in Science...and then see how it all plays out...I might just go to school forever... because every time I learn about something you inevitably have to learn about something else, and something else, and something else...so...I can't pick one thing...I want to know Ehhhvvverrryyyythhhiiiinnnngggggguh....lol


Well-Known Member
I just want to get a doctorate in Science...and then see how it all plays out...I might just go to school forever... because every time I learn about something you inevitably have to learn about something else, and something else, and something else...so...I can't pick one thing...I want to know Ehhhvvverrryyyythhhiiiinnnngggggguh....lol
Me toooooo! LoL. I'd get a degree in everything if I could!! I'm doing two majors, (I just finished one, used to be three) and a "concentration" or "minor" depending on where you're from.


Well-Known Member
I think that you could easily cut defense in half if we use them for just that...DEfense...Nowhere do we have an Offense department, so why is our military so damn offensive? To me defending a place is staying there and making sure nobody gets in...that is how you defend a country...I mean you don't go to Florida to defend your home in California from thieves in New Jersey...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It doesnt matter how much money a school system gets if the administration pays $500,000 for a new school district logo, while laying off teachers, and locking up schools that have been condemned as unsafe for habitation by the fire marshal. What should such a school district do when they receive a new bond measure and new funding from the city county and state?

Fuck the schools! Lets build posh new offices downtown for the school district administrators for only 8.5 million!!

Welcome to Oakland.

Oakland is just the craziest school district in California. Several school districts have gone bankrupt (one of them did it twice since i was in school!) California's spending "per pupil" (read gross receipts per person between the ages of 5 and 18 regardless of their status as illegal aliens, dropouts, homeschooled, retarded, or dead) is in the top 5 in the nation, yet classroom funding per ass in the seats is in the bottom third of all states. Meanwhile, California still pays teachers only slightly (2%) above the national average for teachers, while administrators get paid 30% more than the average for their job nation wide.

California has more administrators per enrolled student than any state except New Jersey and Texas.

Net result, high taxes and a lottery "For the Schools!" that does nothing but hire lots of paper pushers and bureaucrats, who buy tons of shit a school doesnt need.

Teachers get boned by the administrators while the union watches them squirm. Administrators are teachers too, dont you know, and are also part of the same union. "Administrative Teachers" are the largest group of administrators in California, and despite their name they never EVER teach. The union doesnt care which kind of "teacher " their members are, as long as the dues get paid the union is happy.

The unions, school administrators and politicians all screw with the real numbers to give the impression that the schools need more money.

By eliminating highly paid "administrative teachers" from salary statistics, they can honestly claim that the real teachers get paid next to nothing.

"Administrative Teachers" are also excluded (and rightly so) from teacher/student ratio stats, so we MUST hire more teachers

By re-including "administrative teachers" to the total teacher numbers, or teacher per pupil stats, they can show how good they are doing hiring new teachers

Many school districts have clauses in their bargaining agreement that require the school district to send out layoff notices to EVERY employee in a particular employment group if the district intends to lay off ONE person this is done solely for headlines and shock value to increase district funding.

The unions and their bosses enjoy the protection of public sentiment because they "represent the classroom teacher" when in fact they represent the continuing increase in schools spending because they get a cut off the top when school funding goes up.

The administrators and "administrative teachers" can also increase their already sumptuous compensation packages, then claim that "average" teacher salaries have gone up.

TLDR; If you get your stats from anyplace other than a real audit of the school district, or state budget office, you're being creatively deceived.