

Active Member
on the bottom leafs there is a bunch of little brownish gold dots.. what does that mean?? dont have pics yet.


Active Member
you could be watering too much-causing a calcium or mag def.also heat stress looks like that, which gets worse with mag def.


Well-Known Member
Could be SPIDERMITE........... need photo
Look with Magnifie glass and look for any bugs... black,white,red etc they are tiny....... and little almost clear eggs on bottom of the spotted leaves. Youi need nem oil if thats the case.


Well-Known Member
Spidermite, genraly are more defined dots....... I cant be sure so Im not going to give advise.. Is there any other yellowing ?? Give us a run down of what your useing.. nutes,lights,soil etc and maybey pic of whole palnt?


Active Member
2 23w cfls and 2 40w fluorescent, normal poting soil that the mother in low had at her house and maximum grow a&b totally high concentrate liquid plant food


Active Member
coming on to week 5 and it seems like it slowed down in groth. the temp was around 70-75 so i turnt my fan off so the temp will go to 80-85. what can i use to speed things up so i can clone and flower the clone or could i start to flower this 1 and could i clown it during flowering


Well-Known Member
Over watered...... let it dry out for a day or two..... see what happens....... but just looks over watered... How often water? what drainage ?
only fed Sweet Fuck All if any at this stage its too young. ec of about 1.2 or 700ppm is what i use for youngsters


Well-Known Member
Cuttings? usually take cutting just before i turn the lights to flower and you dont look like you have enough clone`able branchs..... you ll have to leave in veg for awhile longer.
Start to flower??? give you an idea the plant will x2 in size during flower.....
Nxt time you grow DONT use old potting mix... it could have contaminations like salt etc, BUY the best you can find..........


Active Member
ok thx and its not a clone its a seed. it was going decent speed of growth and know it just seemd too slow down


Well-Known Member
good luck.... you should consider (once healthy) re pot with shit hot soil from hydro store..... keep watering if in soil to once every two days or so... feed once a week (once healthy again)
Less is best in this game..................


Well-Known Member
NO NO NO NOoooooo....... DOnt use it........ do a search on the stuff...
IN MY OPINION.......At moment you want to do nothing........ it looks over fed and watered.... Let soil dry out a bit and ONLY FEED WATER for a week and 1/2 when your growth looks normal again start back with the nutes........
PLANTS GROW WELL IN SOIL WITHOUT ALL THE SHIT..... look at your moms or nieghbours yard.... I bet that dont feed every month let alone once a day or week....
Too much of ANYTHING WILL KILL YOUR PLANT..................

BUT I ADVISE TO GET second and third diginosis...... from other growers here!