How can I know the dosages in gunmies and brownies? Or how much should the cannabutter in total come out to? I used two different strains and I just wanna know more less how I can calculate that.
How can I know the dosages in gunmies and brownies? Or how much should the cannabutter in total come out to? I used two different strains and I just wanna know more less how I can calculate that.
Here's a calculator dk if it's right tho
Take the number of grams of cannabis flower used to make your canna-butter and multiply it by 1,000 to convert the measurement to milligrams (mg). Multiply the weight of your flower in milligrams by its percentage of THC. The answer is the total milligrams in the whole batch of butter. In my two cups of Black Lightning canna-butter, then, I have roughly 1,600 mg of THC.
I would have 800 mg of THC in the mix. Since a batch makes 48 cookies, there are 16.66 mg of THC in each cookie
Just what Google says
That but I consider it its highest possible. Thc test can be wrong or faked if its store bought so its a grain of salt thing. At least around me. If anything it likely has a little less as its lost in the process.
How can I know the dosages in gunmies and brownies? Or how much should the cannabutter in total come out to? I used two different strains and I just wanna know more less how I can calculate that.