dose anyone know how to fix a Sillicon bong from leaking


New Member
hello my man got his 1st silicon bong and it leaking from the bottom his dad tried to fix it with super glue does anyone have idea thank you
There are silicone products you can get for pouring into moulds, if you were to put that in a dish the same diameter as the base of the bong and then set the bong in it it should fill any holes, or if you can keep it from sinking into it too far it'll add a new solid layer of silicone to it blocking any leaks. You should be able to find it at any hobby shop, comic stores where they sell those tiny model things geeks paint (not judging), or amazon.

Or a more specialized store, like they ones where you can get latex body paint.
hello my man got his 1st silicon bong and it leaking from the bottom his dad tried to fix it with super glue does anyone have idea thank you
The best stuff I use is Teflon tape to seal the bottom of my bong. You don't have to change it every time you use it.only wen you open the bottom to clean it. Bout Once a week or wen you notice a slight leak that's very little.and no smell like the flex seal either.hope this helps.