Dopest Dope You Have Ever smoked


Well-Known Member
last december in the rokeriii coffee shop in the dam...... super lemon haze the best weed i ever smoked in my life ....peace

Lemon haze ehhhh!!!
Must have been a good smoke...
Im gonna haze to order that next time....

My problem is all i smoke is LOIUS VIII..

Yes it is only availible in southern cal...
but its the best fire og strain ever,,,,
just smoked some....


Well-Known Member
Banana Kush all the way, now you guys have heard the far out shit that I talk, two words man, Banana Kush.

For real.


*yawns at another foolish blue dream fanboy*

Hindu Kush,

and this stuff I grew 2 years ago . . . .

Maybe you haven't had the real / properly grown blue dream. I have smoked so many strains it's not funny, and for me I like the taste, the smell , and the high.

Next to OG it is MY favorite. So kindly save your nasty little hate comments for another forum. This is for everyone to name their fovorite smoke, not for you to judge what other people like.


Active Member
you go green game! Blue Dream is one hell of a strain. Heavy yielder, outstanding bag appeal and a euphoric high that makes my brain feel like a giddy little school girl again. And the hazey funk that stinks up the room after some of the bd is burned is worth growing it alone.


Well-Known Member
I was in Birmingham, Alabama about 15 years ago with my then girlfriend from Montgomery. We were chillin at a friend of hers place when her friend's boyfriend shows up. The room went silent and his girl says "did you get it"? This guy dumps an oz of the most chronic shit I had ever seen. It was white-green with rusty red hairs. It was trimmed in such a way that the small fan leaves looked like little hands cupping the precious nug. Everyone in the room gathered around the oz to look at it. The dude said it was hydro weed, which was the first time I heard of hydro. Though I had never met the guy, he packed a bowl and offered me the first hit! A real class act I thought this guy was. I light the bowl and the smoke stung my lips and tounge. I hold the hit in and pass the piece, lean back and slowly exhale. As the smoke left my mouth my eyeballs started to vibrate like R.E.M. sleep. The flavor of this bud made my mouth drool in it's piney goodness. Even to this day I use that hit as my '10' when I'm grading weed. I have never had better. I never saw a budshot of weed that looked like this or smoked that flavor again until.......Bubba Kush! A buddy of mine smoked me out with the BK a couple of months ago and even though it did not look or stone me like that nug in B-ham, BK is the closest thing to that flavor. Any Bubba Kush fans out there? Of course there are!


Well-Known Member
Maybe you haven't had the real / properly grown blue dream. I have smoked so many strains it's not funny, and for me I like the taste, the smell , and the high.

Next to OG it is MY favorite. So kindly save your nasty little hate comments for another forum. This is for everyone to name their fovorite smoke, not for you to judge what other people like.
sorry but that I didn't have well grown blue dream argument doesn't work on me.

the stuff I had tasted AMAZING. the high was a hybrid, mainly sativa dominant.

the main reason I don't like it is because it doesn't offer a deep indica stone, it just gives you a head buzz that I already have a shitload of with my sativa bud.

I admit it tastes GREAT, but if you're calling it one of the two best strains you've ever smoked, you're trippin and you're a fanboy.

hindu kush was by far the best smoke I've had out here, tasted great, got me so high I had bags under my eyes from not passing out at 3PM . . . . .

I'm sorry dude, I just don't think blue dream is worthy of being anyone's top two, unless they prefer flavor > effect.


Active Member
welll ages ago, i was 14 or 15, bought a doob off a grade 12 who grew it himself, real cool dude, me and my buddy smoked it right before i went to work and i was royally fucked for at least 3 hours! it was great!!

though must say the dopest dope ive EVER smoked is probably the White Rhino that i am down to my last doober right now... this shit is orange and soooo nice! not only most powerful ive ever smoked, but best HIGH ive ever had, real chill, heady just all over awsome high!

though ive had some dank ass afghani hashplant that blew my mind, and am getting some pineberry timewarp today i think so i will have to let you all know on that one... :D


sorry but that I didn't have well grown blue dream argument doesn't work on me.

the stuff I had tasted AMAZING. the high was a hybrid, mainly sativa dominant.

the main reason I don't like it is because it doesn't offer a deep indica stone, it just gives you a head buzz that I already have a shitload of with my sativa bud.

I admit it tastes GREAT, but if you're calling it one of the two best strains you've ever smoked, you're trippin and you're a fanboy.

hindu kush was by far the best smoke I've had out here, tasted great, got me so high I had bags under my eyes from not passing out at 3PM . . . . .

I'm sorry dude, I just don't think blue dream is worthy of being anyone's top two, unless they prefer flavor > effect.
So you are saying that I AM A fanboy because:

1.) YOU like a heavy indica couch lock high. and this Blue Dream doesn't offer YOU as much of this quality as YOU would like.

2.) YOU already have other sativa strains so YOU do not need another sativa dominant strain.

Anyone else see the dissconnect here ?

I stand by my statement. You are a tool.


Well-Known Member
sorry but that I didn't have well grown blue dream argument doesn't work on me.

the stuff I had tasted AMAZING. the high was a hybrid, mainly sativa dominant.

the main reason I don't like it is because it doesn't offer a deep indica stone, it just gives you a head buzz that I already have a shitload of with my sativa bud.

I admit it tastes GREAT, but if you're calling it one of the two best strains you've ever smoked, you're trippin and you're a fanboy.

hindu kush was by far the best smoke I've had out here, tasted great, got me so high I had bags under my eyes from not passing out at 3PM . . . . .

I'm sorry dude, I just don't think blue dream is worthy of being anyone's top two, unless they prefer flavor > effect.
ok...I thought the thread was, "called the dopest dope you ever smoked",not the dopest dope someone else should smoke and agree with them!!!WTF. shut up!:finger:


Active Member
Seriously poplars who the fuck are you to say what kind of bud someone should like? It's all subjective. It's one thing to be a pot snob but you just make yourself sound like an enflamed chode by telling other people what they should and shouldn't like. I'll wipe my brown eye with your Hindu kush.


Well-Known Member
A few years back,I had a friend get me some beter then the norm.The guy he knew was growing before we were born lol.He called the strain dragons blood.He bred Blue dragon x El diablo to get it.He was selling 8ths of it left & right for $50.Man do i miss that bud.It has that look & smell to where you just wanna say fuck smokin it & just eat it rofl.Smoked it all everytime....well I did eat a lil once lol.


big budz wat part ireland u from im down in wex every tried an outdoor grow?????

best weed i smoked had to be blue cheese cudnt move of the couch