Doob's and Racer's Joint Venture!!

Sexual epithets are fun.
I'll have a ticklish taco with some puffy pink pie in the beef locker please!

**Man Dizz I saw your new avi before I saw your name and the hair on the back of my neck stood up... lol
your a genius...... we should all be bricktop lloll
Sexual epithets are fun.
I'll have a ticklish taco with some puffy pink pie in the beef locker please!

**Man Dizz I saw your new avi before I saw your name and the hair on the back of my neck stood up... lol
your a genius...... we should all be bricktop lloll
Lol yeah the bastard had me fooled as hell too, for a quick minute. Even worse with the same signature lol, leave it to Dizzle.

I can only imagine the utter chaos ensuing from this lol.
Why are all the old school growers from riu such asshats? The old schoolers from other sites aren't like that.

Its like a posse of egotistical, synical, grumpy old men that want to force there way of growing on everyone and tell them there way sucks cuz its not "the good old way".
Why are all the old school growers from riu such asshats? The old schoolers from other sites aren't like that.

Its like a posse of egotistical, synical, grumpy old men that want to force there way of growing on everyone and tell them there way sucks cuz its not "the good old way".
Lol it's called GMS the geriatric form of PMS.
My mom calls it "grumpy old man" syndrome. My dad has gotten to the point where he pulls his pants up to his titties and kinda bounces and shakes while he bitches about every thing under the sun. It's funny as shit when you get past the part he is calling you names and ridiculing your existence.
lol bwahahaha
The hippy version of Archie Bunker lol
OK, so..I didn't know who Bricktop was..googled it.. downloaded it.. watched it.. omfg.. how did i miss that movie 11 years ago!!
My mom calls it "grumpy old man" syndrome. My dad has gotten to the point where he pulls his pants up to his titties and kinda bounces and shakes while he bitches about every thing under the sun. It's funny as shit when you get past the part he is calling you names and ridiculing your existence.
lol bwahahaha
The hippy version of Archie Bunker lol
I take it you got called "Meat head" too?

OK, so..I didn't know who Bricktop was..googled it.. downloaded it.. watched it.. omfg.. how did i miss that movie 11 years ago!!
Lol there's the Bricktop in Snatch but there's RIU's Bricktop too.

The one in the movie's cooler, the one on RIU is known for copy/paste bombs :lol:. I've personally never had a problem with the guy, or a bad encounter from what I remember.
The fella here on RIU doesn't do justice to the name. I have locked horns with him a couple times, he always does that copy/paste thing to justify his ass backward opinion about how the commies are taking over and the democrats are really communists. The poor are morally bankrupt and holding us back, the rich need to be richer, and ass holes should run the world. Usually his pastes don't actually support his claims just that there are other ass holes that think like he does. He usually throws in some old document that supposedly supports his crapping in the forum but rarely does it. Mostly amounts to reading some nonsense rant then 5 pages of "support articles". About 50% of my time as a professional is spent as a researcher, I do know a supporting argument when I see one and am fairly well versed in history as well as current events so at times it pleases me to blow his doors off. :D

Apparently our boy Dizz has made some personal goals regarding this. I will be enjoying the sheer agony he inflicts, lol

**I'm not the meat head, lol
He has this thing against the Palestinians and Muslims in general. He isn't Jewish but has a staunch old school fuck em all to hell attitude. His rants are about the establishment, the Republicans, and teabaggers since he is a Progress-o-crat.
A big happy thanksgiving to Doobs and RB..
And to everyone following this thread..Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Stay stuffed and stoned.