Doob's and Racer's Joint Venture!!

WOW, that is some crazy shit for an avatar RB!
It's going to be weird for a while, you had that other for some time!
wait till you get to know her really well, that's when the real doobs comes out... lol.. j/k :)
Lol I already have come out I thought you knew?!

Thaaaaaaaaanks Racer lol!! Not like it's a bad thing considering we're still friends lol <3.

Edit: Oh and I suppose we'll call you Skip Holdem now lol.
WOW, that is some crazy shit for an avatar RB!
It's going to be weird for a while, you had that other for some time!

yah, i was getting tired of my old one and have been looking for a new one for awhile... tonight i stumbled on this one on a t-shirt online... i got doobieus involved, and she shrank it down all nice for me..

it's albert hoffman on his infamous bicycle ride.. i'm kind of digging it... i was afraid it was going to look all shitty once it was made smaller..
Lol I already have come out I thought you knew?!

Thaaaaaaaaanks Racer lol!! Not like it's a bad thing considering we're still friends lol <3.

Edit: Oh and I suppose we'll call you Skip Holdem now lol.

i must have missed that post, sorry, my bad.. i'm not usually included in all of the reindeer games, so i'm not very good at this type of thing for the most part.. :)
yah, i was getting tired of my old one and have been looking for a new one for awhile... tonight i stumbled on this one on a t-shirt online... i got doobieus involved, and she shrank it down all nice for me..

it's albert hoffman on his infamous bicycle ride.. i'm kind of digging it... i was afraid it was going to look all shitty once it was made smaller..
Lol yeah avatars and banners are starting to become a trademark thing for me lately.

i must have missed that post, sorry, my bad.. i'm not usually included in all of the reindeer games, so i'm not very good at this type of thing for the most part.. :)
Well wtf Rudolph?! Get to playin'!!
Thought I'd drop some pics lol.

Top two: The ghetto flange made out of a piece of cardboard and a part of a Fritos can lol, and the ghetto reducer made from poster board lol and lots of duct tape.

Middle two: A pic of the gals still under the MH and one of the gals under the HPS.

Bottom two: Size comparison with a 1 gallon milk/water jug, and my power strip setup. The 150 is unplugged in this pic.

So small update, I switched the HPS bulb out with a newer less burnt up one. Well that bulb failed to ignite, I had to unscrew then re-screw it back in to get it to fire up. Then it started to flicker on me, so I just did the ole' cavewoman tap tap on the top of the hood and it corrected itself. Woke up this morning and it ignited fine, and is not flickering anymore. I think it may have just needed to wear itself in some again, after not being used for a few years.

I unplugged the 150, even though I had a piece of cardboard blocking the light and the light itself was about 3-4 feet away. The clones still somehow managed to get enough light and grow. Your first thought would probably be great, they're growing woot woot. Yeah no, too much development on top not enough root development. Thought I saw some roots poking but it was just a piece of leaf matter or egg carton or something. So I pulled them, re-cut, re-dipped and re-planted, put them under some CFL's to keep the temp up in there and they're still alive so it's cherry. Guess I lost my hand at cloning, ahhhh fuck me right in the heart seriously. Well I suppose not all of it, considering they stayed alive for 5-6 days before I re-planted with shit for root development.

Edit: As you can see from the pics, I will most likely be at full capacity by harvest. This tent is going to packed!!

merry xams to me to!

Grow is lookin good still in awe of yur duct tape masterpiece Doob
Lol I'm not sure if you're being a smart ass or serious about the duct tape, either way thanks. I don't want a puppy for Xmas anymore that's for damn sure lol jk.
Edit: As you can see from the pics, I will most likely be at full capacity by harvest. This tent is going to packed!!

Damn Doob,
I think we are both gonna be in the same happy boat with tents and cabs full of bud.. I guess we will have to suffer through it

Damn Doob,
I think we are both gonna be in the same happy boat with tents and cabs full of bud.. I guess we will have to suffer through it

Lol yeah poor poor us, the paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin oh the paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!!
damn Racerboy or W/E ...that is a kickass avatar bro....make it a chopper and its a tattoo

lol.. when i put that w/e after your name dizzle, i meant it as in whom ever, not as in what ever the fuck your name is again, lol.. i couldn't remember who had posted about you.. wasn't sure if it was last wood or karma's a bitch as i tend to get their avi's confused, so i just put w/e, lol..

and yah, i thought that you'd be digging that new avi.. for a biker dude, i'd expect more bikes in your avi's, not that i'm complaining or anything though, lmao.
lol.. when i put that w/e after your name dizzle, i meant it as in whom ever, not as in what ever the fuck your name is again, lol.. i couldn't remember who had posted about you.. wasn't sure if it was last wood or karma's a bitch as i tend to get their avi's confused, so i just put w/e, lol..

and yah, i thought that you'd be digging that new avi.. for a biker dude, i'd expect more bikes in your avi's, not that i'm complaining or anything though, lmao.
Yeah i know brother...bu ti couldnt resist to say it once LOL .... Yea i really dig that avi tho...i have some biker pix...but most are too taboo for this place i think...but ima try em out anyways now :P