Doob's and Racer's Joint Venture!!

Yeah, I can believe that. BTW: I just took a look and it's a topic that has been brought up before without anything coming of it..

Oh well, it's cool lol. Guess I'll just have to bump up my level or whatever, thanks for looking that up though Grazz. Mucho appreciated.
Oh well, it's cool lol. Guess I'll just have to bump up my level or whatever, thanks for looking that up though Grazz. Mucho appreciated.

I don't think this is accurate.. it may have been doubled recently.

Rollitup's ranking system is based on the amount of posts you have:

0 Stranger
25 Learning How To Roll
50 Able To Roll A Joint
100 marijuana Toker
200 Ganja Smoker
400 Pot Head
420 420 TIME
700 Stoner
1200 Teaching How To Roll
1600 Veteran Smoker
2500 Mr.Ganja
5000 Super Stoner
10000 marijuana EXPERT
50000 Ganja God
I don't think this is accurate.. it may have been doubled recently.

Rollitup's ranking system is based on the amount of posts you have:

0 Stranger
25 Learning How To Roll
50 Able To Roll A Joint
100 marijuana Toker
200 Ganja Smoker
400 Pot Head
420 420 TIME
700 Stoner
1200 Teaching How To Roll
1600 Veteran Smoker
2500 Mr.Ganja
5000 Super Stoner
10000 marijuana EXPERT
50000 Ganja God
Well ask the moderators in this journal if they know, well shit guess I better start posting lol.
all righty.. got around to some new pix, and figured out what my problem was before... shitty ass sd card.. fucking thing was brand new, but a pos obviously as i plugged a new one in and it works right away...

anyhoo's, here's some new pix... no signs of flowering going on yet, but it's only been a couple of days so far, i'm sure they will start sooner or later.. :)113 078.jpg113 075.jpg113 109.jpg113 076.jpg113 122.jpg113 108.jpg113 097.jpg113 099.jpg113 106.jpg113 093.jpg113 102.jpg113 085.jpg113 087.jpg113 112.jpg113 077.jpg113 079.jpg113 124.jpg113 116.jpg113 074.jpg113 073.jpg113 080.jpg113 114.jpg113 089.jpg113 118.jpg113 090.jpg
For all you blind bastards out there lol.cid_502.jpg
i must be fuckin blind as a motherfucker

still looks like a fade to me
No wonder the women outcast you, how the fuck you gonna have the right aim to stick it in the right hole when you can't see a pussy? Bitches probably all afraid to get porked in the shitter lol.

Damn Dizzle I'm slightly disappointed, I never thought you wouldn't be able to see a pussy when it's right in your face lol.