Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?


ok... so let's say i decide to guerilla grow it...

I don't think I have enough time to find another suitable spot with water...

we're talkin 8000 feet up in the mountains... dry and hot.

how can i get around the water situation?


see i keep changing my mind.
it's going back and forth.
Im pretty sure nature doesn't want me there.
I gotta gtfo. thanks for all the responses guys


Active Member
if your funding everything and you dont trust this uncle guy, i'd find someone else with land that you can trust. beleive me, i've learned the hard way too many times because ppl that i thought were friends fucked me.

ps, im lucky im not in prison for the things i've done to get back at people that have fucked me. and im lucky to have real friends that dont mind doing dirty work for me, but in the end the risk or seeing your trusted friends take risks for you, is not worth it. keep to yourself trust no one. dont learn the hard way like i did.


Well-Known Member
Great Point Old Rat!!
To grow 100 plants with a plan to sell it all is not legal.
even acquiring the materials to do it is, conspiring to cultivate a controlled substance with the intent to distribute.

if you dont get busted you will get robbed, that is over 50grand of smoke do you need that much? are you prepared and armed to defend it and your self?
you have already figured out one way you can lose it all,
to cut your losses plant the crop in stages so the harvest is not all on one day or week or
tell the guy you got your half already sold to pay off a gambling debt and the cash for the nutes is coming out of the total payoff and if you dont provide the buds a few SUVs will pull up and a bunch of guys will hop out and cut off his and your feet.

greedy ideas like this are what will kill the legalization movement it was not created so people can get rich quick or get shot in the attempt.

grow two plants in a closet and harvest a QP every 2 months.
then enjoy the fact that you can grow, without worrying about your door getting kicked in at any moment... by the cops or by the guys pretending to be cops.
that is worth more than 50grand to me.


Well-Known Member
Walk the fuck away and don't look back.

Put that $1000 bucks down as a partial payment towards yer Marijuananomics Class.

Yer screwed, blued and he could tattoo you at the end. (could hell, he already stated it's his land)

Thousand bucks ain't worth risking jail time for, or an armed confrontation! We are supposed to be peaceful growers.

And when $$$ gets in the way, people do STOOOOPID CHIT.

Walk. Don't run. You will win in the end.

Just regroup, put a budget together, and do it for yerself.

Sorry for yer situation.
