don't tell me this bitch has balls


i hope this isn't a hermie. let me know guys i can't really tell.. i gotta know before i spend anymore time and money on


Well-Known Member
no I don't think its a male. On the main stem it just looks like pistals dose it have any hairs coming out of it. Take some moer pics


You're safe for sure. Nice crystals seriously.
im loving this strain, really fast-paced growth. she's only been under 12/12 for two weeks now and buds are looking dank as hell already. she's outgrowing all my other plants by a long shot. grew her from seed, she's dinafem's dinachem
im loving this strain, really fast-paced growth. she's only been under 12/12 for two weeks now and buds are looking dank as hell already. she's outgrowing all my other plants by a long shot. grew her from seed, she's dinafem's dinachem
Awesome, I am happy for ya. Its rare to find a real keeper in a pack of seeds. Some of them take hundreds of seeds to get the pheno they are looking for. I hope you got clones off of her??