Don't Say Gay

Once the choice is made, the right naturally ensues. All else is bigotry on the premise “human but not really”.
“That’s not how society works/ how things are” is heavily correlated with the worst racism in the US. Nice.

So, I'm white. But tomorrow I think I'll be Muslim. I'm going to announce it to the whole world on twitter, instagram and anywhere else I can. But do you think that if I traveled to the Temple Mount that they would allow me into the Dome of the Rock? Hell not. Because its obvious that I'm not a Muslim, nor do I get the benefit of feeling muslim. Same applies with transgender people. You don't get to just choose another gender because you feel like it and get to enjoy the privileges that go along with it.
So, I'm white. But tomorrow I think I'll be Muslim. I'm going to announce it to the whole world on twitter, instagram and anywhere else I can. But do you think that if I traveled to the Temple Mount that they would allow me into the Dome of the Rock? Hell not. Because its obvious that I'm not a Muslim, nor do I get the benefit of feeling muslim. Same applies with transgender people. You don't get to just choose another gender because you feel like it and get to enjoy the privileges that go along with it.
Your vodka sucks.
This thread attracts the closet gays, I see.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. Your body, your choice. Just don't beat up any gay people to show your buddies how manly you are.

Your argument was a man made vagina is the same as natural one. Both laurel and lia still have a penis so do you think they should be able to compete against women with a vagina?

So then with those two it is about sex. A man that wishes to be female gets the chop because it's who you are. A man that keeps both is for pleasure.
This thread attracts the closet gays, I see.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. Your body, your choice. Just don't beat up any gay people to show your buddies how manly you are.


Shit If i was a closet gay I sure missed my opportunity to come out back when I used to live in the Castro district in San Francisco.

When I see my gay best friend again I'll be sure to smack him around a little just to feel manly for a while.
My Gowd! The Flintstones theme has already been targeted once in History.
You mean to say now, no more Gay?
Well, Fred and Barney might disagree.
They're Bedrockian's after all. They won't be going down, without a fight first! All good, clean, fun.