Don't Make The "Miracle Grow Mistake"

Read that to. If you dig in deeper you will find the government decided it was the easiest way out for them. Still only links and dot connecting. You may also like to research how many different companies made the components of AO. Only one particular lot of just one compound has any factual links to AOs bad rap. And it wasnt in every single dose of AO applied.
those "rare" cancers are WHAT the roundup is linked to man!
c'mon brother, I know you are a smart guy
I am a smart guy and a farmer. An educated farmer. I have read so many articles on the subject. And all of the popular claims and headlines are nothing but innuendo and paradigm. Which fuels a political agenda in the end. The herd of Sheeple is growing at alarming rates.
Talcum powder is the newest victim. Some link to cancer has been discovered most likely by an attorney and/or greedy doctor. Now you see commercials all over TV. Yep, Johnson and Johnsons talcum powder is evil!
may wanna wait a bit longer than 3 hrs my friend
How bout all summer?

copied and pasted.

The half-life of glyphosate in soil ranges between 2 and 197 days; a typical field half-life of 47 days has been suggested. Soil and climate conditions affect glyphosate's persistence in soil. The median half-life of glyphosate in water varies from a few to 91 days.[7] At a site in Texas, half-life was as little as three days. A site in Iowa had a half-life of 141 days.[44] The glyphosate metabolite AMPA has been found in Swedish forest soils up to two years after a glyphosate application. In this case, the persistence of AMPA was attributed to the soil being frozen for most of the year.[45] Glyphosate adsorption to soil, and later release from soil, varies depending on the kind of soil.[46][47] A 2009 study using a RoundUp formulation concluded absorption into plants delays subsequent soil degradation and can increase glyphosate persistence in soil from two to six times.[48]

According to the National Pesticide Information Center fact sheet, glyphosate is not included in compounds tested for by the Food and Drug Administration's Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program, nor in the United States Department of Agriculture's Pesticide Data Program. However, a field test showed that lettuce, carrots, and barley contained glyphosate residues up to one year after the soil was treated with 3.71 lb of glyphosate per acre (4.15 kg per hectare
I'll look to see who did this study. Terms like residue are key in such articles. the range 2 to 197 days is pretty broad also.

edit: cannot find the publisher of that particular research. Only seems to be a widely copy/paste wiki. So just paradigm in my book.
Thanks for the advice. I know the real risks of most pesticides commonly used in the US agricultural market. Believe what you want. But our kids and grand kids are thriving and well in rural america.
holy fuck man
some talc has ASBESTOS in it!
jesus how selectively obtuse do you insist on being?!
Yes some. But by your logic. Talc has asbestos. Asbestos has been proven(i agree with this)to cause certain cancers. Most everyone one of us above 20-30 years old have been well dusted with talc most likely. So I guess we will all die from cancer.
Yes some. But by your logic. Talc has asbestos. Asbestos has been proven(i agree with this)to cause certain cancers. Most everyone one of us above 20-30 years old have been well dusted with talc most likely. So I guess we will all die from cancer.
I am in the auto industry, asbestos doesn't cause cancer everytime man, that's not how cancer works.
I said talc can contain asbestos, not every talc product.
Typical liberal. If all else fails fall back on insults to redirect.
it wasn't an insult, your argument is lacking in factual evidence. You keep talking and your condescending attitude wasn't appreciated, so I responded.

my argument contained links to scientific studies.

so how did I "fail"?
how about you guys get a room?
that's funny man.
and I don't have a problem with alex. I've "known" him via this site for a while, I know he is a smart guy, which is where my frustration lies...
Just don't understand his choice to be selectively obtuse on this.
But I've encountered arguments similar to this before..
regarding global warming.....
so I resign to simply disagree.
yea harmless... Umm, except for the CANCER part...

do some more research.
they have been partners and together for over 20 yrs.
so saying they aren't OWNED by Monsanto is clearly splitting hairs...


They are partners in MARKETING a tiny part of Monsanto's business, purely the consumer Roundup. If you call this ownership you need some business knowledge. Monsanto sells roundup through HUNDREDS of partners across the globe in MASS QUANTITIES, to put all that on MG is just pure wrong. Thats like saying Foot Locker or is to blame for Nike's sweatshops just because they amrket Nike's products. If you knew anything about business you would know that large business's especially in agriculture have relationships with eachother, this does not make one responsible for the problems of another. Monsanto has created huge problems around the globe and NONE of them have anything to do with Miracle Gro.

They are partners in MARKETING a tiny part of Monsanto's business, purely the consumer Roundup. If you call this ownership you need some business knowledge. Monsanto sells roundup through HUNDREDS of partners across the globe in MASS QUANTITIES, to put all that on MG is just pure wrong. Thats like saying Foot Locker is to blame for Nike's sweatshops. If you knew anything about business you would know that large business's espoecially in agriculture have relationships with eachother, this does not make one responsible for the problems of another. Monsanto has created huge problems around the globe and NONE of them have anything to do with Miracle Gro. I am not splitting hairs, you guys are desperately trying to vilify a company with straight up lies.
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If one company didnt provide them then another would. If Monsanto didn't sell roundup to the public then some other company would, the problem is not consumers using Roundup, it is the industrial scale used in commercial farming. Get a clue please if you think your neighbor using Roundup on his driveway is giving you cancer!!!

I have never in any way defended Monsanto, i think they are a bad company and an example of capitalism failing on a global scale. What i have said is how ludicrous it is to call a marketing partnership ownership.
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If one company didnt provide them then another would. If Monsanto didnt sell roundup to the public then some other company would, the problem is not consumers using Roundup, it is the industrial scale used in commercial farming. Get a clue please if you think your neighbor using Roundup on his driveway is giving you cancer!!!

I have never in any way defended Monsanto, all i have said is how ludicrous it is to call a marketing partnership ownership.
actually time causes cancer as well.

in today's world of especially easy hurt butts, every corporate move is labored over by boards, focus groups, and think tanks. any type of partnership is considered a close knit relationship. hell, if one entity doesn't publicly admonish something the rabble don't agree with it's looked at like they agree lol.
actually time causes cancer as well.

in today's world of especially easy hurt butts, every corporate move is labored over by boards, focus groups, and think tanks. any type of partnership is considered a close knit relationship. hell, if one entity doesn't publicly admonish something the rabble don't agree with it's looked at like they agree lol.

You are right on. My father is a Oncologist, and he has told me countless times that cancer is inevitable, if a human being lives long enough they will develop cancer. This is why it is so much more prevalent today, people that are getting cancer at 70 would have been dead from something else if they lived 50 years ago.

It brings the SOuth Park episode to mind where they burn down the Wal-Mart and everyone starts shopping at the little local mom and pop store, which eventually just turns into the next Wal-Mart. We vilify the big business but really it is just the natural progression. Miracle Gro has gained success and has began working with the bigger players n the industry so they get attacked. But as soon as the next challenger gets big they will just be the next on the chopping block of public opinion. It is just silly.

If one company didnt provide them then another would. If Monsanto didn't sell roundup to the public then some other company would, the problem is not consumers using Roundup, it is the industrial scale used in commercial farming. Get a clue please if you think your neighbor using Roundup on his driveway is giving you cancer!!!

I have never in any way defended Monsanto, i think they are a bad company and an example of capitalism failing on a global scale. What i have said is how ludicrous it is to call a marketing partnership ownership.
ok, so lets all have a rubdown with some roundup
by your logic if something causes cancer than "so does the sun and your cell phone"
so that makes it ok?
just hunky-dory?

"get a clue if you think your neighbor spraying roundup on his driveways is giving you cancer"

Ok, first. to pretend like you know how carcinogens work is just sad.

If he is spraying a carcinogen, that to me, is A PROBLEM.

Ask yourself if ANYONE on the planet knows exactly where their cancer came from.

That's just idiotic.
may wanna wait a bit longer than 3 hrs my friend
How bout all summer?

copied and pasted.

The half-life of glyphosate in soil ranges between 2 and 197 days; a typical field half-life of 47 days has been suggested. Soil and climate conditions affect glyphosate's persistence in soil. The median half-life of glyphosate in water varies from a few to 91 days.[7] At a site in Texas, half-life was as little as three days. A site in Iowa had a half-life of 141 days.[44] The glyphosate metabolite AMPA has been found in Swedish forest soils up to two years after a glyphosate application. In this case, the persistence of AMPA was attributed to the soil being frozen for most of the year.[45] Glyphosate adsorption to soil, and later release from soil, varies depending on the kind of soil.[46][47] A 2009 study using a RoundUp formulation concluded absorption into plants delays subsequent soil degradation and can increase glyphosate persistence in soil from two to six times.[48]

According to the National Pesticide Information Center fact sheet, glyphosate is not included in compounds tested for by the Food and Drug Administration's Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program, nor in the United States Department of Agriculture's Pesticide Data Program. However, a field test showed that lettuce, carrots, and barley contained glyphosate residues up to one year after the soil was treated with 3.71 lb of glyphosate per acre (4.15 kg per hectare
No shit.

I know this doesn't prove anything but I was raised in a big farming community. Farms in the thousands of acres. We always got the over spray from the fields at the house.

My father had non Hodgkin's lymphoma, my mom breast cancer.

I don't see the need for that shit. It ends up in streams and water ways.

I don't use a synthetic or chemical one on my garden.

The only time I use spray is when the kudzu gets out of control. I'm going to fench in some goats to handle that.

There other ways to handle weeds.
I encounter arguments like this often
"what? My car fails the smog test?? It's all a farce, everything causes cancer"

Sure and adding the things that DO cause cancer to your life increases your likelihood of accumulating said cancers.
actually time causes cancer as well.

in today's world of especially easy hurt butts, every corporate move is labored over by boards, focus groups, and think tanks. any type of partnership is considered a close knit relationship. hell, if one entity doesn't publicly admonish something the rabble don't agree with it's looked at like they agree lol.
second law of thermodynamics
entropy owns all