don't know whats going on with leaves, need second opinion

my plants leaves has some discoloration on the tips and looks like small brown spots, heres a pic hope you all can see it well enough to tell me how to fix it


please i need help with finding out what's wrong with my plants, ive try finding out by myself but still don't have any ideas. now its spreading to the other leaves.


Well-Known Member
are these grown from clone or seed? if clones, it's pretty normal to have a bottom leave or two die off since they give back to the plant to enable root growth. If you grew these from seed, I would have to guess you're running a nutrient solution in your water that is too hot. When they are that young and vulnerable, you should just give them H2O in the soil for the first two weeks or so, then gradually add fertilizer, increasing the ppms in the nutrient solution as the plant grows larger. Hope this helps bud.
i only use regular water, i had mixed perlite into the soil and i just noticed it had miracle grow in the perlite, could it be that?


Well-Known Member
It's fine. Those are the first set of true leaves, which are also the first to die of natural Seriously, they die off soon after the foliage above starts blocking their light. :cool:

The rest of the foliage is fine, right?