Dont know whats going on NEED HELP! PLZ

Hey guys it day 41, they have 2 600 watt hps lights, the lights are on 18 off 6, they hang about a foot and half about the plants, and a couple of my girls look funny, they were off to an amazing start in the beginning but the older leaves are starting to get brown edges, the newer leaves look ok except from one of them which you can see from the first couple of pictures. I use SensiGrow part A and B. I mix them for 4ml per 4ltr for both part A and B. I do put them in the water seperate tho so the nutes dont lock, i give them SensiGrow every other day. emmm my temp stays around 75 at night and 85 during the day. So ya my oldest leafs on the plant turned yellow and died, but im assuming thats normal when the plants get bigger, get rid of the leaves it dont need where it was only the very bottom leaf on about 3 of 6 plants i have. any way one of my plants fan leaves are curling but the rest of the plant looks fine except for a couple of curling leaves, the other plant im concernd abouts new growth is bright green in the middle of the leaves and very skinny growth as well as the growth for this plant is extremely slow like extremely (compared to my others at least) can someone please help me with what im doing wrong or maybe something the plant is not getting. The soil mix is 3 parts peat and 2 parts perlite and 1 part vercumlite and ph is just under 6.7DSCF1084.jpgDSCF1094.jpgDSCF1095.jpgDSCF1096.jpgDSCF1097.jpgDSCF1098.jpgDSCF1100.jpgDSCF1101.jpgDSCF1102.jpgDSCF1103.jpgDSCF1104.jpgDSCF1105.jpgoh and the pic of the small plant is my first clone, how does that look?


Active Member
Could be to hot in the grow room. 85 is high you should try and bring that down during the day to like 75 to 78 degrees F.


Active Member
Your humidity is Very Low. I like to keep my vegging plants in the 60 to 70% range. Looks as if you would benefit from a flush with plain water and the plant in the smaller pot (pic #5) may need a bigger home.


Well-Known Member
Your humidity is Very Low. I like to keep my vegging plants in the 60 to 70% range. Looks as if you would benefit from a flush with plain water and the plant in the smaller pot (pic #5) may need a bigger home.
Exactly agree with this, raise the RH and they will improve. The leaves are trying to conserve moisture and are using the food too quick. If you can't raise the RH then u need to dilute the nutes a bit,