dont know what is wrong... help please....

[email protected]

Active Member
Calling all pro's....OK here is the situation... I just currently setup a grow tent and moved the plants in it. I just transplanted them into a 3 gallon bucket last week and I just realized the random leaves are starting to get brown spots on them starting to be crunchy. I haven't gave them any fertilizer for last three weeks. Should I give them food now? Or should I wait another week? How can I handle the leaves issue? Do they look like heat issues or nutrient issues?

Maybe this might help.... ph is 6.8, its around 84 -87 degrees in the tent since its summer here.... Any suggestion is very helpful now.. I'm just stumped....



Well-Known Member
How bout some pic's of the whole plant? oh and nothing will help the leafs that are bad now. watch new growth.


Well-Known Member
I don't know for the most part they look very good imo. I would worry if it keeps going but the new growth looks good. plants are seldom 100% all the time. Correct me if I'm wrong about 1-2% of your leafs looks sad. New growth looks good. I don't think you have much to worry about at this point.


I'm no expert on these issues, but I did notice two things you mentioned that could be contributing factors. You said ph was 6.8. I believe it's supposed to be between 5 and 6.0. You also mentioned the temps being in the high 80's. I'd be very careful with temp regulation cause anything over 90 is bad for plants and causes them to dry out, which could be what's making the leaves crunchy. I realize it's hard to regulate temp on an outdoor grow though so I don't know what to tell ya here except maybe mist the leaves with water regularly throughout the day and see if this helps.

Edit: I think I'm wrong on the ph level, I think it's between 6 and 7.0 but now I'm second guessing myself so I can't be sure. You might want to get a more experienced person to answer this.


Well-Known Member
ya, I hate RO water in in soil. You have to add everything back in the plant needs. It could be cal/mag. But slight at this point. why don't you start adding a little. 1 tsp epsons salts per gal of water. Some looks like you might have spilt something at some point. or not even spilled a slight splash. Anything that looks bad will stay that way. It's no big deal.


You should be using a complete NPK fert. I see no reason to be going 3 weeks without fert unless flushing EVER. If your worried just get an organic compost tea and mix it to the min- mid recommended dosage. Then alternate 1 water fert, 1 water straight h2o and your babys will love you again. And 6.5 is the ideal PH for soil. By the way,those brown leaves are no big deal, its the newer growth that counts.


the reason whg i didnt use fertiluze was because i had transplanted the plants to a bigger pot so i figure there is nutrient in the new soil which i was told good for two week.


Well-Known Member
If you had started nutes before, you could keep right on going. I think you made a wise choice not to use nutes. beter to under nute then over. I stoped using mg nutes mid grow and started alaskan fish fert. 5-1-1. It's hard to over nute with the stuff but lacks in micro nutes. but seemed to work well with mg soil.


Well-Known Member
If you look at some of the earlier pictures, it looks like something spilled on the leaves. It probably is nute burn but it looks like it's from something spilled on the leaves. Round droplets in some pics and run off in others.