Dont know what happened...


So I had my plant under a 150W HPS bulb, and it seemed to be growing fine. I plan on growing some more plants, so I bought 6 more 23W CFLs, but haven't got seeds yet, so I put my one plant under all 7 lights. (150W HPS, 6 23W CFLs). Then the next day all the leaves started drooping, and drying out. But I also noticed that new leaves were starting to come in lower on the stem. The pics are before and after the move. Also, overnight temps are a bit cooler after the move because its downstairs, so maybe that is what caused this? I also fed it some 20-20-20 fertilizer right after I moved it. I dont think temp is an issue since I have a fan blowing on it, and it really doesn't feel hot in there.0425001327a.jpg0515001418.jpg0515001417.jpg0515001418a.jpg0515001417a.jpg0425001327b.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking it's underwatering. How long since it's been watered? If it's been a couple days, give it a nice heavy watering, and it should perk right back up for ya. If that's the problem, the smaller ones are still okay because they don't process as much water, and haven't run dry yet.