Don't have a Door for my little closet. Got some DIY questions


Well-Known Member
Take the messurements to yr local d.i.y store and get a piece of mdf this will allow you to fix your intake/outake fan to and will also reduce any noise.Staple some black and white polly to the inside of the room and the new door,put the polly around the door so any light will not leak out.Make sure that the intake and out take fan's are on the opersite side's of the room or if you have to put them on the same section have the outake low down and the intake high up,or you will find that you will be takeing in air that has been flushed out of the room.18mm mdf will be the best...............tyke............................
Hey Tyke dont you mean the oppisite of what is quoted in red? Cool air will be down low so your intake should be low and you outake or exhaust would be at the top blowing out hot air.


Well-Known Member
Yea. Im sure he got himself mixed up.

I was going to put my exhaust and intake both on my door (intake on lower left, exhaust upper left) but decided to exhaust through ceiling as that can be easily repaired later down the road. My intake is cut on the lower left of my door tho.
I'm gonna put my intake on the bottom and my exhaust on the top. Do these fans usually come with fittings or can you just use electrical tape to held them in?


Well-Known Member
Not sure which fan you plan on using but I have the ducts conencted to my door. The holes are perfect so I was able to wiggle the duct through the hole past the first set of(not sure what to call it) wiring rings around ducts. Stays in place.
Nice, sounds like you got a good setup going on Skoad. What size fan do you think would be sufficient for a small closet with a 250 watt HPS?


Well-Known Member
Well I am using a small closet too with a 400w and I have 2 420cfms. They are cheap fans but they do the job. I think I got them both off ebay for like $40. As long as your able to control temps in the room, it shouldnt be a problem.
Yeah, I was thinking computer fans but they would probably be to small. Thanks for all the info! People on Rollitup are extremely helpfull, This is a great website!