Dont Fucking Steal Electricity!


Active Member
Why cant I grow $84000 of bud with only "several plants"
j/k..... that dude is sleazy
I keep my grow by the book....and pay my $200 electric bill.

Bobby Fuse

Active Member
Why cant I grow $84000 of bud with only "several plants"
j/k..... that dude is sleazy
I keep my grow by the book....and pay my $200 electric bill.
How many watts you using?

They say 84000. But at street value.. Baging it in dimes. Because that is 4000 a plant. Thsts a shit load of bud


Active Member
How many watts you using?

They say 84000. But at street value.. Baging it in dimes. Because that is 4000 a plant. Thsts a shit load of bud
lol.... I know they figure it down to the individual dime.
I use a 1000watt hps over about a 3x4' area

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
The way they get that is weigh the root ball and all and fig. 4000 a lb so they look better the dude proply only had about 2 lbs wet


Well-Known Member
video is unavailble now, i read the article and funny thing is, i know of a 20 plant grow.. 10 budding and 10 in veg... the true value of real bud, as it is a continual bud, would be under $2,000. in real money.. that is for bud drying and on plant as this grow has 3-4 mature every month and are 4 feet tall.
They Lie, just like they will lie if they smell pot and hear you getting rid of it, or just getting up to answer the door, anything will work. We lost our 4th people :*(

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
In the story they said the kids were feet away from "an explosive hydroponics lab"...WTF?? There is nothing explosive in a hydro or soil grow room...Ok maybe if using CO2 tanks or LP tanks for CO2, but they don't explode unless they are actually in a fire.


Active Member
Does the $200 bucks cover everything in the house? Or just the grow?
that's pretty much just the grow, my 1000watt hps costs about 89- $100 a month running it 12/12 and I typically run my 12500btu AC(also nearly 1000 watts) concurrently, not to mention the 2 active exhaust fans running 24/7 @ 200watts a piece and another $40 a month, a lot of electric companies will have a "usage estimate calculator" or you can buy little digital Kwh tickers @ home depot for $30


Active Member
I don't get how the news reporters are allowed to basically lie..? "explosive hydroponics" lol... Don't blame det hydro, blame the faulty wirering! And if 27 plants is worth 84000$ woah i should start upping my grow room!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't get how the news reporters are allowed to basically lie..? "explosive hydroponics" lol... Don't blame det hydro, blame the faulty wirering! And if 27 plants is worth 84000$ woah i should start upping my grow room!
While $84k is laughable, you gotta think about it for a second, dr greenthumb sells seeds at like $100 a seed, a plant producing just 100 seeds (a good cola will producce near that) and you've already one plant worth $10,000 to him, multiply that by 27 plants and there's the very real street value of $270K for 27 plants :lol: can you say greedy fucker or WHAT!

Explosive hydro does make me giggle a bit thought :D

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
While $84k is laughable, you gotta think about it for a second, dr greenthumb sells seeds at like $100 a seed, a plant producing just 100 seeds (a good cola will producce near that) and you've already one plant worth $10,000 to him, multiply that by 27 plants and there's the very real street value of $270K for 27 plants :lol: can you say greedy fucker or WHAT!
Explosive hydro does make me giggle a bit thought :D
Why are you starting on Greenthumb over here again???
You start this shit every where you go as I said before on the other thread you were bashing along with all you little nimrods IF YOU DONT LIKE HIS GEAR OR PRICES DONT BUY IT and leave it at that

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Why are you starting on Greenthumb over here again???
You start this shit every where you go as I said before on the other thread you were bashing along with all you little nimrods IF YOU DONT LIKE HIS GEAR OR PRICES DONT BUY IT and leave it at that
Why are you taking it so personally? I'm glad you utterly and totally missed the point given the content of my post, rather you read the name green thumb and kicked off without taking anything in. Would you like me to change it to any breeder that charges stupid prices for their beans and remove that issue from the equation? If you think $10,000+ value for a plant because it's got seeds in it is all cool and the gang, wicked, i think anyone charging that kind of money is indeed a greedy fucker. :D But again, I'm glad that you understood the point of the post so clearly :roll:

And i think i've been more places than what, maybe three threads? :lol:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
21 plants worth 84 thousand dollars.. right.. what world they still living in or what year.. 1999