Don't Break My Heart!!!!!!!!

It saves money that's for sure.
The mix is....
50% - Peat, Sunshine #4 is best
50% - Kitty Liter pure clay no deodorant or additives
30 to 50 % of Combined Mix - Course Perlite for drainage
1 tablespoon of Dolomite lime per gallon of medium.

As for replenishing i simply remove as many roots as possible, let dry for a week or two and add it to a larger tub of fresh made mix and have kept it rolling like that for a year now. The clay /kitty liter needs to be replenised but peat last forever. So far It'z all good!

Also before you harvest pour a pot of boiling water on the mefium. This sterilizes the medium and forces the plant to go into survival mode since all roots hav been killed. This increases potency & I don't wanna hear the bullshit about boiling doesn't increase potency. It'z what I fuckin do.

In a big bud that's what I do & so far It'z all good!
dude thats fucking awesome! definetly going to be giving this a shot. bout to order some special kush #1 here around the 3rd!