Dont believe in GOD believe in YOURSELF

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Don’t believe in some vague truism. Search for truth. Seek it out. But don’t hold on to any belief or concept. You have only gained these beliefs based on everyone you have ever had contact with. This is a sign of weakness of the mind. It is lethargy; it is a lack of caring. It is an injurious way to save yourself from the work of seeing your self, from the work of consciously observing everything you think, say and do. Blind belief is an escape from the effort for self-realization. In a sense it is nothing short of suicide because once one falls into this culvert one becomes incapable of climbing the peak of truth. These paths lead you in two opposite directions. One is the ditch you fall into; the other, the lofty summit you have to climb. Belief in organized religion is an easy thing because a man is not required to do anything. In that sense, knowledge is not so easy. Knowledge is the complete transformation of life. Belief is the outer apparel; knowledge, the inner revolution. Rather than allowing you to reach the peak of atonement towards which your spirit is striving, a simple belief can easily throw you back into the slumber of blind faith. Spiritual seeking is not faith but unfortunately, religions are. What is spirituality to me does not coincide with what the concepts of the world’s religions appear to be. On that score Karl Marx was right to brand religions as opiates but profoundly wrong to say so about real spirituality! You have been told to have faith in the shastras, faith in the words of God, faith in the teachers. I do not say so at all. I say: have faith in yourself. It is only by knowing your self that you will be able to know what the shastras have said, what god has said... what their true meanings are. For one who has no faith in himself, following any other belief will be in vain.

I say yet again, do not believe in anything but yourself... for when you do, you will be forced to change your thoughts, words and actions. To become truly responsible for everything you think, say or do. You will become the emanation of all that is good, and true peace and happiness will overflow from your cup.[/FONT]
I always tell people this.

For example...whenever i've seen Tim Tebow win a game, he always credits GOD before anybody else.

Credit your fucking teammates and defense Tebow...God had nothing to do with it. Believe in yourself, not some fictional character