The good things about using skeptical reasoning

I just watched this documentary which hypothesized that with certain technological advancements within the next thousand years, we may be able to download and extract the information in our brains into computers, in order for us to technically live forever. Just a really neat idea and concept.

Kind of puts the whole concept of reincarnation and Dharma into perspective. YOLO?

Buddhists don't YOLO, they might Carpe Diem though.
Hindus probably say YOLO&O&O ...
"over and over and over"

What about some drawbacks of skeptical thinking?

I rarely enjoy movies anymore unless they are masterfully executed. I have difficulty suspending my disbelief. I can not stop myself from criticizing dialog. I notice things like fake or unrealistic sound effects, subtle plot holes, and bad editing choices. This often causes so much discourse in my mind that I am unable to watch. All of my friends said that the expendables was a great flick. I got through about 45 min before I was almost physically ill with disgust. For some reason this does not happen nearly as much with TV series.
What about some drawbacks of skeptical thinking?

I rarely enjoy movies anymore unless they are masterfully executed. I have difficulty suspending my disbelief. I can not stop myself from criticizing dialog. I notice things like fake or unrealistic sound effects, subtle plot holes, and bad editing choices. This often causes so much discourse in my mind that I am unable to watch. All of my friends said that the expendables was a great flick. I got through about 45 min before I was almost physically ill with disgust. For some reason this does not happen nearly as much with TV series.

...I haven't watched a mainstream tv show or movie (save animated kids movies with my family) in almost 8 years. Actually not kidding about that. Maybe one or two, but 20 minutes is all I've got before I need to tend to the sparkly stuff life has to offer :)

...being skeptic of my own abilities. That's been a negative so far.
What about some drawbacks of skeptical thinking?

I rarely enjoy movies anymore unless they are masterfully executed. I have difficulty suspending my disbelief. I can not stop myself from criticizing dialog. I notice things like fake or unrealistic sound effects, subtle plot holes, and bad editing choices. This often causes so much discourse in my mind that I am unable to watch. All of my friends said that the expendables was a great flick. I got through about 45 min before I was almost physically ill with disgust. For some reason this does not happen nearly as much with TV series.

I wish to cosign this declaration.
What about some drawbacks of skeptical thinking?

I rarely enjoy movies anymore unless they are masterfully executed. I have difficulty suspending my disbelief. I can not stop myself from criticizing dialog. I notice things like fake or unrealistic sound effects, subtle plot holes, and bad editing choices. This often causes so much discourse in my mind that I am unable to watch. All of my friends said that the expendables was a great flick. I got through about 45 min before I was almost physically ill with disgust. For some reason this does not happen nearly as much with TV series.

I'm often able to suspend my disbelief as long as the creators at least attempt to provide an explanation, even if they are bad.

Case in point. I have tried to watch and enjoy the tv series Revolution, but I can't get past some of the terrible problems, not even mentioning how clean everyone looks and how he militia has nice, new tailored uniforms but no working electricity. They use swords and muzzle loaders because cartridge ammunition is in short supply or has run out. So they have people working making uniforms but no one bothered to put together some reloading equipment?

My science-oriented skeptical brain has had the biggest problem with the main concept -- this world where electricity no longer works because of some sort of interference field -- No electricity, not even batteries work, but light and magnetism do not seem affected, unless the magnets are part of a generator....
Let's not even discuss iPhones and other electric devices that still have useful battery power after 15 years.
What about some drawbacks of skeptical thinking?

I rarely enjoy movies anymore unless they are masterfully executed. I have difficulty suspending my disbelief. I can not stop myself from criticizing dialog. I notice things like fake or unrealistic sound effects, subtle plot holes, and bad editing choices. This often causes so much discourse in my mind that I am unable to watch. All of my friends said that the expendables was a great flick. I got through about 45 min before I was almost physically ill with disgust. For some reason this does not happen nearly as much with TV series.

I am able to suspend disbelief if I actively try. Like with the walking dead. Is it possible? No, not even close, but fuck it it's a fantasy. But then there was that scene where they were luring zombies over to the fence and stabbing them, then they decided to open the gate and rush in and start firing bullets and someone ended up dieing. Why?! Why?!?!?! Why did you have to open the gate and run in instead of standing behind the safety of the fence and knifing them to death? I can suspend disbelief for something fantastical like a zombie plague, but their actions totally defy logic sometimes, and I am NOT cool with that. That totally ruins it for me.
I'm often able to suspend my disbelief as long as the creators at least attempt to provide an explanation, even if they are bad.

Case in point. I have tried to watch and enjoy the tv series Revolution, but I can't get past some of the terrible problems, not even mentioning how clean everyone looks and how he militia has nice, new tailored uniforms but no working electricity. They use swords and muzzle loaders because cartridge ammunition is in short supply or has run out. So they have people working making uniforms but no one bothered to put together some reloading equipment?

My science-oriented skeptical brain has had the biggest problem with the main concept -- this world where electricity no longer works because of some sort of interference field -- No electricity, not even batteries work, but light and magnetism do not seem affected, unless the magnets are part of a generator....
Let's not even discuss iPhones and other electric devices that still have useful battery power after 15 years.

I remember wanting to check out this show when it was being hyped, but I somehow missed that it started. Gonna give it a shot now and try not to think about the uniforms. ;)

I do like serial mystery/suspense shows.
I am able to suspend disbelief if I actively try. Like with the walking dead. Is it possible? No, not even close, but fuck it it's a fantasy. But then there was that scene where they were luring zombies over to the fence and stabbing them, then they decided to open the gate and rush in and start firing bullets and someone ended up dieing. Why?! Why?!?!?! Why did you have to open the gate and run in instead of standing behind the safety of the fence and knifing them to death? I can suspend disbelief for something fantastical like a zombie plague, but their actions totally defy logic sometimes, and I am NOT cool with that. That totally ruins it for me.

Agree. Also not sure why it's so easy to bash in a zombies head or cut it into. I could buy that they are rotting and squishy, but it happens to zombies which have just turned. Why did they look for Sophia so long? Jack was shot, operated on and fully recovered and they were still thinking she was out there. They talked about looking for her far more than they actually went out and looked. At the rate the doctor is recovering from his amputation, I expect him to grow a new leg by the end of the season. Still, I am able to enjoy walking dead. The premise and content are enough to keep me interested. So far hasn't jumped the shark.

Falling Skies is another one I enjoy despite the characters being predictable and full of platitudes. Damages was one series I thought was masterfully done, as well as the wire. Jericho was excellent.

How does a police helicopter following a car chase manage to catch the sound of screeching tires and breaking glass on film over the whirl of the blades? Why do all computers on TV make little bleeping noises when being used? Why do all fires on TV crackle, all cats meow, all snakes hiss, and all guns spin when they are tossed in the air? These sorts of things I notice but they don't get under my skin.

Now, on breaking bad; the idea that Walter could simply decide to walk away from the game, cut all ties and get completely out without conflict and in the span of one episode, that one bothers me.
I remember wanting to check out this show when it was being hyped, but I somehow missed that it started. Gonna give it a shot now and try not to think about the uniforms. ;)

I do like serial mystery/suspense shows.

Just got through the first season of The Killing, it really pulls me into its gritty reality and the acting is amazing at times. I recommend that one...
Agree. Also not sure why it's so easy to bash in a zombies head or cut it into. I could buy that they are rotting and squishy, but it happens to zombies which have just turned. Why did they look for Sophia so long? Jack was shot, operated on and fully recovered and they were still thinking she was out there. They talked about looking for her far more than they actually went out and looked. At the rate the doctor is recovering from his amputation, I expect him to grow a new leg by the end of the season. Still, I am able to enjoy walking dead. The premise and content are enough to keep me interested. So far hasn't jumped the shark.

Falling Skies is another one I enjoy despite the characters being predictable and full of platitudes. Damages was one series I thought was masterfully done, as well as the wire. Jericho was excellent.

How does a police helicopter following a car chase manage to catch the sound of screeching tires and breaking glass on film over the whirl of the blades? Why do all computers on TV make little bleeping noises when being used? Why do all fires on TV crackle, all cats meow, all snakes hiss, and all guns spin when they are tossed in the air? These sorts of things I notice but they don't get under my skin.

Now, on breaking bad; the idea that Walter could simply decide to walk away from the game, cut all ties and get completely out without conflict and in the span of one episode, that one bothers me.

There are a lot of things about the walking dead that bother me. When they were in the prison walking around and just stepping DIRECTLY next to zombies faces and assuming they were dead. Why not just shoot or stab them to make absolute sure? I even called them out out loud during the show before hershel got bitten. I was like "man why aren't they stabbing those corpses before standing next to them? Someone is going to get their legs bitten". Bam 5 minutes later...well you saw it.

And on breaking bad...Didn't walt just get out last episode? And didn't he tell skyler he was out? I have a hard time believing he could simply cut ties and walk away, but I certainly see the incentive to lie to skylar about it. I even see the incentive to lie to yourself about it. It's no longer about the money or providing for his family, but I don't think he wants to admit that. Also I don't see any indication that is actually out other than he has said he is, but he is less than trustworthy at this point.
Just got through the first season of The Killing, it really pulls me into its gritty reality and the acting is amazing at times. I recommend that one...

I watched the first 4 or 5 a while back. I plan to get back to it at some point. I really liked the characters and actors playing them, just wish is wasn't quite so drawn out. It's very slow to unfold, just hope it is worth it.
I watched the first episode of the killing and thought it was slow and boring. Several friends have suggested I give it another try and get further into the story because it is so slow to unfold, but it is good. I thought the first episode was so boring though that I have been reluctant to try again.
Yeah, it's ALL about the journey in this show as far as I can tell, very much like Twin Peaks: you can't solve the murder right away because that would be the end of the show :) It just gets deeper and deeper and has so many levels that all tie together (so far). Like you say, I love the characters, the writing, the acting and even the pace of the storyline. I think it worth it...
I watched the first episode of the killing and thought it was slow and boring. Several friends have suggested I give it another try and get further into the story because it is so slow to unfold, but it is good. I thought the first episode was so boring though that I have been reluctant to try again.

I know what you mean. I watched the first six episodes of Mad Men, and just can't take it. I can tell it's a quality show, the sets, the writing, the style, the acting is okay. Everyone tells me to give it another chance, but it's too late, I'm traumatized by the boredom. A really nice period series is Boardwalk Empire, I'm really digging that one...
I went almost fully nonfiction only. What fiction I have been able to find myself immersed in is usually loosely based on real events or at least very realistic and portraying pertinent current and historical events. Particularly the historical. The films I have enjoyed the most lately were all in Spanish. If anyone is even remotely interested I highly recommend the genre. I really enjoyed "Tambien la Lluvia" and "Sin Nombre", dramatic but not to the point of tears.

Oliver Stone has a US history series on Showtime that is excellent and very well researched. If you find yourself craving something to watch, pirate it if you have to.
The other side of the coin is to eliminate any problems with internal consistency. I love The Family Guy and South Park. Canon is unimportant. They are allowed wide latitude in creating ridiculous situations. However, the comedy element is strong, especially with cannabis.
I really like Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Dr. Who, and surprisingly, the new CW show Arrow, based on DC comic's Green Arrow.