Donno what to do! Incremental harvest


Well-Known Member
Hi folks, this is an auto critical (harvest time declared by the vendor is 8/9 weeks)

I ve been cutting the top buds, almost all of them, cause I was without weed and I'm enjoying them a lot right now..I also wanted to expose the lower buds cause their were lacking light being the plant very large and the tent very small.. plus not LST this time

I cut them day 78 and now is day 85 and not sure if I should leave the lower more or I should cut everything

No need to rush but I want to be sure that I'm not risking anything leaving there at this stage to mature more...

I'm giving just plain water..

Should I cut or should I wait?

Or maybe should I split it in other two cuts, exposing the lower layer and cutting the top one again?


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More photos ☺



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I mean you already cut some buds so I would keep doing that. I thought about doing that how are you drying them ?


Well-Known Member
As long as your happy with the smoke and have some place to dry I would keep picking away until there’s nothing left


Well-Known Member
I'm drying them in the closet, and they are drying pretty well as far i can see, opening it to let pass more air, a couple of times a day.

So sorry I m not getting you, you suggest to keep them there a bit more, then cut the first layer and keeping doing like this till she died?

Do the current top ones looks ready for you or not? I'm colour blind so anytime it's a bit complicate for me to understand XD


Well-Known Member
Ok if it was up to me I would keep them on and cut layer by layer. And no I wouldn’t say it’s quite ready yet it’s still pretty clear


Well-Known Member
What u mean by texture? I thought the color was the only way, looking for Amber and/or cloudy plasticky but I'm color blind so it's almost impossible for me to understand, at least I did not find a way yet, this is my second grow so i dont have much experience.


Well-Known Member
Ok they look crystal clear to me I would check back on here after a week, maybe somebody else can chime in with a better time frame to help you.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, no harm keeping them on with the plant in these condition, right? I mean she is definitely not looking healthy anymore


Well-Known Member
I’ve never done that before so I couldn’t give you a real answer but If that was my plant and only for my personal purposes I would do it and see what happens


Well-Known Member
So u think is doable? I always heard about cutting and drying them before smokin..

U think I can wrap the whole plant in a couple of papers and just smoke it like that?
You just stick the raw cone directly on top of the bud and tap it down! Light, and enjoy!