Done or not done?


Active Member
Everyone has been saying I harvest too soon. So I am going to do an experiment and let this white widow keep going until you guys think it's done. Ordinarily, I would harvest it this week ( 11/28 ) but I'm game to see if I am mistaken. I have always been under the assumption that you harvest when your trichomes are 10% amber. I took these photos tonight, of several buds and their trichomes under 60X magnification. So what's the verdict, gang? Done or not done? This is a white widow I purchased from seedsman in the UK.



Active Member
Funnily enough, this one was put into flower a week AFTER the Purple Kush. But this white widow has always been a funny one. I think it was a mutant. I've been cloning it for a while, and the clones always split into three main branches without topping. Also, it finishes really fast. I think it's about run it's course tho. I think it's about cloned out.