Done @ 6 weeks??


Well-Known Member
Hey all,we have 2 ladies that are only @ 6 weeks flower and yesterday we were looking at the trichomes with our radio shack micro and we have around 60-70% cloudy and a few with slight amber.We know their mostly indica even though its bagseed,just by looking at them.We had a lil' problem with our ph being low a couple weeks ago.we think it locked out nutes and caused the yellow spotty leaves at the top of the one plant.We added gardeners lime with water and had only given them water the 2 weeks before that.Do you think were ok to flush today and maybe again mid week?We were thinkin we would flush for a week and harvest the bigger plant(janzilla we call her)and keep flushing the other(mary) and then harvest her in 2 you think we will get all the nutes out ok? Heres some pics from yesterday.
Thanks guys:lol:



Well-Known Member
While it is possible for a plant to finish early in 6 weeks it's highly unlikely unless you as the grower do evverything perfect & the plant experiences no difficulties.

Another thing is that Trichomes can be misleading,i found this out after my 1st few grows,plants normally exibit 2 seperate explosions of bud growth,the first starts when budding is first started & usually continues heavily into the 5th or 6th week,then new pistil/calyx developement slows to a crawl or comes to a complete stop & pistils/hairs will start turning red,the trichomes can & will start to ripen at this time where they will start turning cloudy & honey color,at this point alot of people are mislead by looking at the trichome color.

Every Indica strain ive ever grown will exibit a 2nd growth spurt after the time where new pistil/calyx development stops,the new pistils & calyx's will completely cover the exisisting trichomes with new hairs & new trichomes,this is when i start to examine trichomes for maturity,if you chop based on the first set of mature trichomes your likely missing the second new growth explosion & alot of bud weight.

Have your buds exibited a 2nd explosion of new bud growth after you watched them slow to a crawl in bud production ?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,we have 2 ladies that are only @ 6 weeks flower and yesterday we were looking at the trichomes with our radio shack micro and we have around 60-70% cloudy and a few with slight amber.We know their mostly indica even though its bagseed,just by looking at them.We had a lil' problem with our ph being low a couple weeks ago.we think it locked out nutes and caused the yellow spotty leaves at the top of the one plant.We added gardeners lime with water and had only given them water the 2 weeks before that.Do you think were ok to flush today and maybe again mid week?We were thinkin we would flush for a week and harvest the bigger plant(janzilla we call her)and keep flushing the other(mary) and then harvest her in 2 you think we will get all the nutes out ok? Heres some pics from yesterday.
Thanks guys:lol:
what nutes did you use chem or organic??
if i were you i would flush for 2 weeks then harvst them both at 8 but thats just my opinion im still learning.bongsmilie
also just a question did you use mollases?cause i used it on my first lowryder grow and the buds doubled in size!!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
wow a bagseed grow and ready to start flush at 6 weeks congrats. and looks very tastey.
any bagseeds ive done seem to take alot longer and seems like forever for the trichs to start to go amber.
as far as when to flush its up to you at what kind of high you want. dont chop to early cause the last 2 weeks of it getting ripe will really pack on the weight and the frost.
i dont think i have ever heard of anyone chopping to late.


Well-Known Member
If I knew how I would respond to each of you individually.But Im not real good with this computer stuff!:bigjoint: These girls are from real good bagseed.we think northern lights.Grown in f.f soil,with cfl for lighting.The nutes we used are 1/4 cup big bloom,2 tsp tiger bloom every other watering.We have about 400 watts of cfl lighting above and for side lighting.I'll enclose a pic of lighting setup. Panhead I agree with you,my girl who is my roomate,and the one who initiated this grow is getting ancy and I told her it seems kinda early to me.Although Im a newbie 2 !! As far as the trichomes it kinda depends where you look on the plant as far as how much clear and how much cloudy.And just like you said they had 1 burst of bud growth and then slowed to nothing and I think now they are gonna fatten up even more.I would of liked to of fed them more but we were afraid it would be too you think we should try to feed them,maybe just not as much? This site and most of the people on here are awesome!!!Thanks for your help guys REALLY ;-) couple pics of lighting


Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Ur doing good man as far as I can see, if I were you, just from what I'd see...I'd let them go for another 1-2 weeks. I know you may see that said a lot in threads around but they really fill in the last couple of weeks. Just flush with water over the next week or so and you'll see the difference that week makes. Just my .02 though :)


Well-Known Member
If I knew how I would respond to each of you individually.But Im not real good with this computer stuff!:bigjoint: These girls are from real good bagseed.we think northern lights.Grown in f.f soil,with cfl for lighting.The nutes we used are 1/4 cup big bloom,2 tsp tiger bloom every other watering.We have about 400 watts of cfl lighting above and for side lighting.I'll enclose a pic of lighting setup. Panhead I agree with you,my girl who is my roomate,and the one who initiated this grow is getting ancy and I told her it seems kinda early to me.Although Im a newbie 2 !! As far as the trichomes it kinda depends where you look on the plant as far as how much clear and how much cloudy.And just like you said they had 1 burst of bud growth and then slowed to nothing and I think now they are gonna fatten up even more.I would of liked to of fed them more but we were afraid it would be too you think we should try to feed them,maybe just not as much? This site and most of the people on here are awesome!!!Thanks for your help guys REALLY ;-) couple pics of lighting
Allright,good info.

Dig this,dont get caught up in the whole business of flushing thinking its going to make any real meaningfull taste difference because it is not,others will surely dissagree because somehow down the line flushing weed has been repeated over & over again as fact, now most people believe its needed or will effect taste,think about this for a minute,it would be next to impossible to flush weed grown outdoors being the amount of soil its grown in,some of the best weed ive ever smoked in my life was outdoor grown in the earth,flushing has not ever been proven to do one single thing to make the final product taste/burn better.

Ive researched the living shit out of flushing weed plants & after trying to find out the origin of the pratice all the early info traces back to fertilizer companies (Think advanced nutrients) who just so happen to sell specialty products designed for flushing,coincidence i dont think so,ive yet to find one credible study backing up any of the claims regarding flushing being a needed activity in growing weed.

With that being said & now that we know your buds are on their first growth period you should continue feeding them,i never let my plants starve & i continue to feed them right up until the watering before the last watering they recieve,you should try to retain as many of the big sun leaves as possible,the more sun leaves the plant has means more light energy being converted into bud growth,this is why i continue to feed my plants because the feedings allow the sun leaves to stay green & healthy damm near until it's time to harvest.

If your still fairly new at growing advanced & unproven techniques like flushing should be avoided,instead focus all your efforts on learning how to keep the plants in the best health possible,learn how to avoid problems like you just experienced with the ph issues,then after you master the techniques needed to grow healthy plants all the way through is the time to start experimenting with techniques like flushing.

When your new to growing its far better to stick to the basics & keep everything as simple as possible,that way you've cut out any unnessacary issues that could effect bud production & yeild,plus taking it one step at a time alows you to see & taste any changes that may occur from using techniques like flushing.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bubbuh!! I would of liked to of given them more nutes but if they dont need it or it will hurt more than help!? Ya know? I also would of liked hps lights for flowering.But we rent here and we have the power maxed out in that closet already.The idiot that wired this house has an upstairs bedroom,the kitchen and the garage all on one breaker???? We are moving into our own house in mid april and plan to get set-up real NICE there.My roomate is all about cfl only,which I have been real impressed with what theyve done.but from my learning(mostly on RIU)I think the yeild would be higher with hps for flowering.When we get setup in the new house we are gonna do a cfl vs hps wtih the same strain and that will tell the tale! when we get there I am gonna do a journal thats cfl vs hps for flowering!!!


Well-Known Member
Very well put about outdoors!! I never really thought about it that way.In my own mind I cant help but think we havent fed them enough.they really only fed them like twice during flowering up until now.How much do you think we should give them?? Thanks man!

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Allright,good info.

Dig this,dont get caught up in the whole business of flushing thinking its going to make any real meaningfull taste difference because it is not,others will surely dissagree because somehow down the line flushing weed has been repeated over & over again as fact, now most people believe its needed or will effect taste,think about this for a minute,it would be next to impossible to flush weed grown outdoors being the amount of soil its grown in,some of the best weed ive ever smoked in my life was outdoor grown in the earth,flushing has not ever been proven to do one single thing to make the final product taste/burn better.

Ive researched the living shit out of flushing weed plants & after trying to find out the origin of the pratice all the early info traces back to fertilizer companies (Think advanced nutrients) who just so happen to sell specialty products designed for flushing,coincidence i dont think so,ive yet to find one credible study backing up any of the claims regarding flushing being a needed activity in growing weed.

With that being said & now that we know your buds are on their first growth period you should continue feeding them,i never let my plants starve & i continue to feed them right up until the watering before the last watering they recieve,you should try to retain as many of the big sun leaves as possible,the more sun leaves the plant has means more light energy being converted into bud growth,this is why i continue to feed my plants because the feedings allow the sun leaves to stay green & healthy damm near until it's time to harvest.

If your still fairly new at growing advanced & unproven techniques like flushing should be avoided,instead focus all your efforts on learning how to keep the plants in the best health possible,learn how to avoid problems like you just experienced with the ph issues,then after you master the techniques needed to grow healthy plants all the way through is the time to start experimenting with techniques like flushing.

When your new to growing its far better to stick to the basics & keep everything as simple as possible,that way you've cut out any unnessacary issues that could effect bud production & yeild,plus taking it one step at a time alows you to see & taste any changes that may occur from using techniques like flushing.
Fair enough I suppose - but I did that test flushed v non-flushed on my 1st grow and there WAS a notable difference in the smell...from 1st hand experience I'd say flush if you don't wanna rush it and end up with some gorgeous smelling stuff in the end


Well-Known Member
Panhead has this one nailed. Very true about the 2nd explosion. I too am skeptical of the flush and usually flush with Clearex (DWC) and than add back about 1/4 strength nutes to finish up. I never noticed any diff in taste from flushing or not, the only diff I notice I I get a slight headache if I dont at least don some sort of flush. Could just be me and my high blood pressure though. I think flushing originated from the growers who insisted on over nuting leading to delayed maturing and final bud development.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input sims and smokey.I will say this as far as flushing.panhead,you have very valid points on this subject with taste testing to back up your are the 1st person on here Ive ever heard say to not flush.But like you said outdoor grows dont get flushed and Ive smoked tons(ok a few bails:mrgreen:)of good outdoor tasty bud.But I also think outdoor grows are getting a smaller more consistant amount of nutrients,rather than high doses given by man.And in the fall time is usually when theres alot of rainfall.So maybe mother nature is kinda flushing ???Please dont get me wrong panhead,for I am certain your knowledge is solid!I do know I have smoked bud that sizzles and sparks and tastes like your smoking a bag of magnesium though.Always from indoor grows only.I beleive you have a good arguement but I think because I am in a position to control a flush It probably cant hurt right?Do you grow in soil or hydro Panhead?I could understand hydro not needing as much flush cuz its kinda always flushing to some extent.
Our decision with these 2 ladies was too flush(or get old nutes out;-)) with straight water(about 10-12 gal/each)Then with mr. panheads wise advice we fed both girlz with 2 tsp.tiger bloom/3tsp big bloom/2tsp molasses per gallon.We will wait 2 weeks min.for both.I plant is a lil' behind the other as far as tric color so we might wait 3 weeks for her.Thanks guys your awesome!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input sims and smokey.I will say this as far as flushing.panhead,you have very valid points on this subject with taste testing to back up your are the 1st person on here Ive ever heard say to not flush.
The bulk of my grows are soil grows & where the bulk of my experience comes from,however i do now grow small amounts of hydro in a flood & drain table,im still learning this method & my reason for learning hydro is the weight of the soil,im getting too old & have suffered serious injuries to my spine,my health is forcing me to move away from manual labor.

I think you'll find out the farther you go along in growing that i am not alone in not flushing,many other experienced growers do not flush,what they do not do is come foward due to what allways ensues after a no flush proclaimation is made,guys crawl out of the woodwork with a ho-gillion reasons why the growers buds will taste like shit,there is a pack mentality to grow forums where things that are repeated as fact are rarely challenged because it goes against the accepted methods being touted on the forum.

It get's to the point where experienced growers know in advance that the bulk of the time will then be spent arguing with little johnny CFL grower after the no flush statement is made,its not worth their time to try & point out all the reasons that have been proven by science & the art of botany not to flush,peole do not want to learn past a certian point & are comfortable in their beliefs,they also rely heavily on what little real information is on the internet about flushing,the government assholes who try to fuck us over at every turn are mainly responsible for this,no real studies have ever been done to the point where peer reviewed white papers have been submitted as evidence because the government has made the whole peer review process illegal to all botanists in the united states from federal laws.

The longer growers are on a forum the less interest experienced growers have in arguing or trying to help but there are plenty of very experienced growers who never flush, including the member of this site who i consider to be my main mentor in growing,search out member (Albfuct) for his posts before he left the site,there is more real useable information contained within this growers threads than can be digested in several months.

I'll leave you with one example to think about on this issue which is hydroponically grown produce,these products can & are grown both hydroponically as well as standard soil grows,in the case of hydroponically grown lettuce it is grown in nutrient rich solution up until the very last day of its life,the lettuce is harvested directly from nutrient solution then direct to our homes for consumption,the bulk weight of lettuce is not plant matter but water,in the case of hydro lettuce there is no plain water only nutrient rich grow solution,being that we know the bulk of what hydro lettuce is made up from is nutrient soulution,then going by accepted theory's on taste then we should all be able to easily taste a difference in hydro lettuce vs organic lettuce,to this very day not one person has ever been able to discern any difference in taste in blind testing,enter the visual aspect & every last test subject will identify the organic lettuce as having a better taste ;-).


New Member
bro I grow indica too......let it go for 3 more weeks it will pod out and turn into nice hard buds

My strain looks like yours at week 5-6 ......this is what it look like at the end of week 9




Well-Known Member
Fair enough I suppose - but I did that test flushed v non-flushed on my 1st grow and there WAS a notable difference in the smell...from 1st hand experience I'd say flush if you don't wanna rush it and end up with some gorgeous smelling stuff in the end
Discussions on flushing allways seem to start in a growers thread :lol:.

To the op,if you wish this discussion to stop pleas say so & i will no longer post as i do not want to hijack your thread.


What you just posted is very common where new growers experience differences in their 1st grow,or differences in the 2nd grow vs the 1st grow,try the experiment again now that your experience level has grown,take 2 samples of flushed weed vs non flushed weed & have somebody else roll them up into joints where you cant see them,then have them mark the joints as #1 & # 2,smoke those suckers up seperately with each joint being the first joint of the day,smoke each one seperately at the normal time you regularly smoke your first session.

Write down all effects you experience from each sample,after completing both joints then ask the person who rolled up the joints to show you which joint was which sample,take away any insight you would normally have with the samples & i'd be willing to bet that even you the grower will not get a head ache or taste any difference,ive been hammered by placebo every time ive knew any info at all,every time i went into a test 100% ignorant i can never taste a difference & never get a head ache.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
panhead you always got some very good points as always, and with your knowledge i bet the trolls dont argue with you anymore.
i still do a flush as of now, but really haven't done a side by side to compare any result. so if course im not going to start a pissing match.

as far as the lettuce goes, i understand your point. im sure if you stuck your head into your res. and took a drink, you would taste the nutes. maybe some how the lettuce is filtering the water as it takes it in. if so then why wouldnt mj do the same thing? idk but maybe i need to research that a little. add it to the list lol.
but i would think its 2 different things between eating lettuce and smoking your meds. what happens when you put a fire under it. i havnt smoked any lettuce yet. just kidding.
like i say im not trying to argue, just thinking out loud.

p.s i also appolgise to the thread starter.


Well-Known Member
If you wanna waste your time go ahead. I know its hard to wait, and you seem to want justification, on weather or not to cut at 6 weeks. Those have a Whole shit ton of fattening up to do.