Donald trump's culture of cruelty

Hard to argue with facts. I applaud your honesty. :)

Your witless assholery remains stagnant, disposable, irrelevant.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.”

Mr. Trump at a Virginia campaign rally in 2016
Trump Tops Obama, Bush and Clinton in Golfing and Private Getaways So Far

After years of criticizing former President Barack Obama for playing golf and going on private getaways, President Trump has already done more of both in his first 81 days than Mr. Obama, as well as former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Mr. Trump played golf again this past weekend, on Saturday and Sunday.
I love it, that all you Libtard Snowflakes are melting and generally freaking out. Trump kicked Hillary's ass, thank God. That bitch would have taken us straight into WW3 to please her Big Money backers. Hillary the Money Whore, has been sucking the Corporate Dick since the 90's. The truth is we are approaching 120 days with Trump in office, and the sky isn't falling yet. But ignorant facist Liberals are breaking windows, and burning cars. All while demanding you see things their way, and only their way. Calling everyone who doesn't agree with them Nazi's, and Facist. Funny, too funny. Prediction, in another 120 days, and for the 1200 days after that, the sky still will not fall. I love that Trump is telling Congress to get off their lazy Corporate Dick Sucking Asses, and get some work done. Come 2018, the Republicans will decimate the Dem's again. Because the Dem's are so far out of touch with the Average American. #MAGA Make a snowlfake melt.
lock him up.....
Oh, you Snowflakes have gotten all triggered. lol 2018 & 2010 say good bye Libtard Dem's you're going the way of the dinasour. Get used to a Trump Presidency. Hell will freeze over before Killary " Corporate Rod Smoker" Clinton gets that office. She's a two time loser, to Obama & Trump. How funny is that ? That pretty much says it all, and the fact that the Dem's think she's their best candidate. Well that's completely laughable.

Go President Trump !!! #MAGA :)
Doesn't have to, Trump's going to have the DEA grab all that Cartel Money and use it. Their stash houses, tractor trailer rigs, and planes can barely hold it all anyway. Once that wall is complete imports will fall off. Then the prices for domestic can go back up. Who needs brick packed shit weed anyway ? No one.
No Muslim ban, only folks (regardless of religion) coming from specific Anti-American Countries who support, and train Ji-Haters and the like. Try watching some Fox News, instead of that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS and get a better feel for the real deal. Less propaganda, more facts.
No Muslim ban, only folks (regardless of religion) coming from specific Anti-American Countries who support, and train Ji-Haters and the like. Try watching some Fox News, instead of that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS and get a better feel for the real deal. Less propaganda, more facts.

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Are all Fake News is that what you're saying?
But yet Fox is the only Real News Source.
Oh Quit with the derision. It's preposterous.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Are all Fake News is that what you're saying?
But yet Fox is the only Real News Source.

and youtube.

with youtube, you don't have to bother with all those pesky actual news outlets, you can stick with whatever conspiracy theorisy=t is peddling propaganda that fits your worldview. they even have an algorithm designed to protect you from counterviews, makes confirmation bias the easiest thing in the world.
No Muslim ban, only folks (regardless of religion) coming from specific Anti-American Countries who support, and train Ji-Haters and the like. Try watching some Fox News, instead of that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS and get a better feel for the real deal. Less propaganda, more facts.

your stupidity is stupefying. "Turning wrenches" is that code for working the grenade?
