Donald Trump

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Liberalism is a mental disorder, a grave disease that for some unknown reason creates a fantasy that somehow we are not responsible for own actions, that we are victims. No thanks, I don't want nor like big daddy govt. sticking his gigantic green dong 3' up my ass. I choose to be independent and a rational critical thinker. You POS progressives are a walking advertisment for hypocrisy. Cradle to grave entitlements and a desire to have other hard working people take care of the lazy don't want to work slobs. I hope Trump wins and builds a fucking wall 100' feet high with machine gun turrets every 500' throw in some flame throwers as well! LEGAL or you're gone!!!! Adios mother fuckers!!!!
Liberalism is a mental disorder, a grave disease that for some unknown reason creates a fantasy that somehow we are not responsible for own actions, that we are victims. No thanks, I don't want nor like big daddy govt. sticking his gigantic green dong 3' up my ass. I choose to be independent and a rational critical thinker. You POS progressives are a walking advertisment for hypocrisy. Cradle to grave entitlements and a desire to have other hard working people take care of the lazy don't want to work slobs. I hope Trump wins and builds a fucking wall 100' feet high with machine gun turrets every 500' throw in some flame throwers as well! LEGAL or you're gone!!!! Adios mother fuckers!!!!

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Liberalism is a mental disorder, a grave disease that for some unknown reason creates a fantasy that somehow we are not responsible for own actions, that we are victims. No thanks, I don't want nor like big daddy govt. sticking his gigantic green dong 3' up my ass. I choose to be independent and a rational critical thinker. You POS progressives are a walking advertisment for hypocrisy. Cradle to grave entitlements and a desire to have other hard working people take care of the lazy don't want to work slobs. I hope Trump wins and builds a fucking wall 100' feet high with machine gun turrets every 500' throw in some flame throwers as well! LEGAL or you're gone!!!! Adios mother fuckers!!!!
But how do you feel about gay ,trans gender, pro gun control, Muslim mexican american liberals
Liberalism is a mental disorder, a grave disease that for some unknown reason creates a fantasy that somehow we are not responsible for own actions, that we are victims. No thanks, I don't want nor like big daddy govt. sticking his gigantic green dong 3' up my ass. I choose to be independent and a rational critical thinker. You POS progressives are a walking advertisment for hypocrisy. Cradle to grave entitlements and a desire to have other hard working people take care of the lazy don't want to work slobs. I hope Trump wins and builds a fucking wall 100' feet high with machine gun turrets every 500' throw in some flame throwers as well! LEGAL or you're gone!!!! Adios mother fuckers!!!!
I disagree about him speaking without thought.

He knows exactly what hes going to say.

Also how does anyone know who he is in with. He wont disclose his taxes.

Bitch all you want but Clinton has released 30 years worth of taxes, the Foundation gets an A Rating, and Has Been Proven to use 88%-89% of all the money to what its intended to go to.

Ambassador Stevens PARENTS also told the cons to back off, but did they ???

Come on. The guys parents don't even hold her responsible. How can anyone else ???

2 of his advisers have been linked to Russia, and 1 has huge interest in gas/oil.

1 runs a rasist platform for the ALT RT.. FACT.

The other of rumps advisers is being investigated for holding meetings with Sanctioned High Ranking Russian Officals, and allegedly spoke of getting rid of the sanctions should rump win.

You think Hillary/Bill made money AFTER they Left ???

rump will make them look like beggars in comparison.

Trump cares about 1 thing. Himself.

Hes stiffed construction workers, and companies ON PURPOSE.

As Ive said before.

IMHO rump is a rascist BIGOT, ( Divider ) and ALL who vote for him OWN EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM.

Anyone but Hillary isn't an excuse.

Vote for Johnson. Write in Donald Duck. Anyone but RUMP.

But for me. You vote for rumP, you OWN EVERYTHING HE STANDS FOR.

Also anyone that cant carry on a normal conversation without turning to insult, has nothing more to add to a conversation, and throws insults because the don't have a valid argument.

Of if someone throws in.. Well so, and so did this ect.

Doesn't matter. That's just deflection, because they cant answer the question..

I also wish they would...


Don't let anyone off the hook. PERIOD.

Lets see who walks off the stage first.

Rump is bellyaching even before he gets on stage.

He also said Holt is a Democrat....... WRONG.

Lester Holt is a Registered Republican.

Also I don't see how anyone that likes weed would ever want rump in.

You know hes aganst recreational weed ?

You also know he would love to get Chris Christy as Attorny General.

Christy when running, said the 1st Day in Office...


Medical Included.

He says its against Federal Law, and until it is not illegal under Federal Law, he will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

So those that want easier weed laws better think on that long, and hard.

On the other hand the demos, want to reschedule weed, and make it easier for research, and also Prison Reform..

Also I will tell you I am a VICTIM of the Federal Drug War, and did a total of 7 years in Federal Prison, and 8.5 years of Supervised Release for growing.

I got more supervised Release than Violent Criminals. A guy in for Bank Robbery, with a Firearm got 10 years, and 3 years supervised release.

I get 7, and 8.5 years supervised.

Ive been free no for 7 years 4 months

For those that go for rump, and like weed..... I hope they go up you like they did me, when they bring back lock em up, and throw away the key, because I hold YOU 100000% Responsible for Militarized Police, Draconian Drug Laws, and Sentencing.

Also don't blame Clinton on the Harsher Laws. I don't.

Reagan was the 1 that started Mandatory Minimums, and that's what mine fell under.Nothing Clinton did, had any affect on my sentencing guidelines. As in NONE.

Clinton actually introduced a Safety Valve for some Drug Offenses.

United States[edit]
Mandatory sentencing and increased punishment were enacted when the United States Congress passed the Boggs Act of 1951.[4] The acts made a first time cannabis possession offense a minimum of two to ten years with a fine up to $20,000; however, in 1970, the United States Congress repealed mandatory penalties for cannabis offenses.[5] With the passage of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 Congress enacted different mandatory minimum sentences for drugs, including marijuana.[6][7]

Safety Valve[9] was created in 1994 to reduce mandatory sentencing for drug offenders under the following provisions:

  1. the defendant does not have more than 1 criminal history point, as determined under the sentencing guidelines;
  2. the defendant did not use violence or credible threats of violence or possess a firearm or other dangerous weapon (or induce another participant to do so) in connection with the offense;
  3. the offense did not result in death or serious bodily injury to any person;
  4. the defendant was not an organizer, leader, manager, or supervisor of others in the offense, as determined under the sentencing guidelines and was not engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise, as defined in section 408 of the Controlled Substances Act; and
  5. not later than the time of the sentencing hearing, the defendant has truthfully provided to the Government all information and evidence the defendant has concerning the offense or offenses that were part of the same course of conduct or of a common scheme or plan, but the fact that the defendant has no relevant or useful other information to provide or that the Government is already aware of the information shall not preclude a determination by the court that the defendant has complied with this requirement
Obama was head of the Choom Gang, US President for coming up on 8 years, how come he hasn't done anything for marijuana ? He just appointed new head of DEA who is anti-weed. I guess we need another 8 years and the Democrats will really start to soften up on the issue?
How come Obama told the Feds to stop harassing those that are following the laws of their state ??

While I think it should be 100% legal, Obama has been more weed friendly that any other president.

Nobodys perfect.

The alternative is someone who wants to shut it down. Period.
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