Donald Trump

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Trump is having trouble finding speakers for his's no longer the Republican Convention.

I love, love, LOVE that they are now using Sarah Palin to spew some of her lunacy! :lol:

Oh yeah, she helped the party so much last election. I guess she is the only one who will speak with chump.

She is more entertaining than the reality shows of obese people! :lol:


Toke up, watch, and get educated on Hillary ^^^^^ At 2:45 in, Rogan makes a very truthful statement. Lots of good info throughout the whole video.

^^^^^ listen to Hillary laugh over a 12 year old girl's rape case, and laugh again over her client passing a polygraph, saying she forever lost faith in them, after him passing it.

^^^^ it's easy to be conned if you don't have the right info. Educate yourself, before you vote for the next POTUS.
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The book " Clinton Cash " is a good read IMHO. The author, in this video, brings up info the public needs to know.

The Clinton Foundation claims the 1100 donations they didn't disclose, was only a mistake. No criminal intent, or intent to violate the rules laid down for Hillary as SOS, by Obama. ;) " wink, wink "
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The book " Clinton Cash " is a good read IMHO. The author, in this video, brings up info the public needs to know.

The Clinton Foundation claims the 1100 donations they didn't disclose, was only a mistake. No criminal intent, or intent to violate the rules laid down for Hillary as SOS, by Obama. ;) " wink, wink "
Did you know that Trump is a child rapist?
force companies that move out of the US looking for the cheap labor...Made in America is more than a catch phrase, it's a policy that needs to be in place to ensure National Security and Financial Security.




Trump has never denied he has clothing made outside the USA. Not a issue in my world. He is a businessman by the way. Having a few shirts made overseas, isn't like moving the steel industry, tool making, appliances, or automobile industry off shore.
Hillary and hubby Bill, using US Government Positions to cash in, while selling out America. That is a Problem, wise up you liberal haters.
Or end up with Hillary, who will give us more lost jobs, and foreign made products. Bill gave us NAFTA, and she'll give us TPP. Doesn't matter that she liked it, and now (as of this week) doesn't. When some money get's waved under her nose, she'll love it all over again.
Corrupt, Lying Hillary: no friend to any American.
#Trump2016 the tidal wave of change, you can't stop. LOL .
Now honor your bet @UncleBuck after Trump is elected POTUS. Or forever live in shame as the pompus , name calling ass of RIU who talked big, bet big, lost, and welched out.
^^^^ just in case you're not up on that word.
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Trump ... has clothing made outside the USA. Not a issue in my world.

you just said it is though. are you honestly this fucking stupid?

force companies that move out of the US looking for the cheap labor...Made in America is more than a catch phrase, it's a policy that needs to be in place to ensure National Security and Financial Security.
Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!!! I'm fucking sick and tired of hearing dumb ass Republicans talk about Benghazi as if it was the only attack on a U.S. Embassy/consulate abroad.

Tell me, where was the outrage for the 13 embassy/consulate attacks by the right wing nut jobs under the Bush/Cheney administration. I stopped counting at 60 dead with more than half the list to go yet where was the concern by the idiot's administration for the families of those victims?

Hillary and hubby Bill, using US Government Positions to cash in, while selling out America. That is a Problem, wise up you liberal haters.
Or end up with Hillary, who will give us more lost jobs, and foreign made products. Bill gave us NAFTA, and she'll give us TPP. Doesn't matter that she liked it, and now (as of this week) doesn't. When some money get's waved under her nose, she'll love it all over again.
Corrupt, Lying Hillary: no friend to any American.
#Trump2016 the tidal wave of change, you can't stop. LOL .
Now honor your bet @UncleBuck after Trump is elected POTUS. Or forever live in shame as the pompus , name calling ass of RIU who talked big, bet big, lost, and welched out.
^^^^ just in case you're not up on that word.
This is true because internet! did you know that Trump is child rapist?
@Fogdog You can bet after Trump is in, manufacturing in the USA will be restored. It wasn't Donald Trump, and only Donald Trump, who's responsible for shirts being made in China. That peaked during the Obama years. Obama's weak to non-exsistant policies on trade, have made China the number one country in the world for manufacturing of goods.
Saying that Trump is the reason for this, or for that. Well, it's like saying this guy represents all the members of the Nation of Islam, and all gun owners in the USA:


It simply isn't the truth. I see, like UncleBuck, all you can do is argue, and throw up worthless pics and opinion based on no real world facts.
Obama's let in tens of thousands of refugees with almost no vetting, many of whom hate the USA, and demand strict adherence to sharia law. This kids melon got twisted by his extreme sharia law loving daddy very early on. If he didn't have guns, he would have used a bomb, a knife, or a car to kill with.
Unlike that clown's dad, Trump has raised some decent kids. Americans that love and support our country.
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