Donald Trump

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They usually (at least) start as discussions, lol.
Well, not mine, I do not even remember what I said, nothing insulting to anyone and was called a penis, well a little, cunt, whore, fat heffer, well the list goes on, and it seems to be the norm by most that hang out in the room. I find a lot too disgusting to really fathom. There are true racist in the room, then those that accuse one of being a racist, that to me anyhow, seem to hold more prejudices than the people they accuse. I prefer grownup debates. I think it is more important to have someone see or understand a viewpoint, then to just insult and ridicule them, but I guess to each his own...:lol: it has been nice chatting with you!
Well, not mine, I do not even remember what I said, nothing insulting to anyone and was called a penis, well a little, cunt, whore, fat heffer, well the list goes on, and it seems to be the norm by most that hang out in the room. I find a lot too disgusting to really fathom. There are true racist in the room, then those that accuse one of being a racist, that to me anyhow, seem to hold more prejudices than the people they accuse. I prefer grownup debates. I think it is more important to have someone see or at understand a viewpoint, then to just insult and ridicule them, but I guess to each his own...:lol: it has been nice chatting with you!
Well I talk a whole lot of shit in here, but I (mostly) try to steer away from personal attacks. On the same token though, we're talking about personal attacks from complete strangers in a weed forum :P.
Well I talk a whole lot of shit in here, but I (mostly) try to steer away from personal attacks. On the same token though, we're talking about personal attacks from complete strangers in a weed forum :P.
LOL, your right!!! well actually you are left...seriously, if Bernie had been the nominee I would have voted for him, someone with some integrity...:clap:
I'm STILL probably voting for Bernie. I can't, in clear conscience, cast a vote for Hillary Clinton after what her husband's policies did to black families in the 90's.
I agree, if I can vote for him, I will, or some obscure Libertarian, or independent...It may be a write in...lord I am tired worked a 16 hour shift...
I agree, if I can vote for him, I will, or some obscure Libertarian, or independent...It many be a write in...
I live in a state (Maryland) that she going to carry anyway. So, at least, I'm not going to be faced with the personal terror of having to vote for her just so trump doesn't win.
I'm STILL probably voting for Bernie. I can't, in clear conscience, cast a vote for Hillary Clinton after what her husband's policies did to black families in the 90's.
I find her extremely fake and incredulous, really corrupt and after watching her for many, many, many years, I just feel she will say or do, whatever she has to to get voted in, I really have no clue what her genuine feelings are and what her true beliefs are, she just leans however she must to get the vote. I watched her in NY, when I live in NJ and her actions with so many groups were just so fake and phony, I don;t know, I have no trust for the woman, and feel she really has little regard for anything or anyone..but that is me...I will vote for Bernie, or as I said someone off ticket, or third party...
I live in a state (Maryland) that she going to carry anyway. So, at least, I'm not going to be faced with the personal terror of having to vote for her just so trump doesn't win.
LOL, I hear you, he can't be president, I do not think will even be possible..but lord who knows, almost anyone probably could have beaten Hillary, and they got the Donald to run against her, is really messed up...





^^^^ conservative sources, moderate sources, and even liberal sources are in agreement: Hillary you broke the law concerning National Security, and with your Foundation "wink, wink" (aka - your money laundering slush fund).
Hang in there Bernie, the Bitch is going down. LOL .
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I'd like to see Bernie replace Hillary, but I wouldn't waste my vote on him this late in the game. Trump is who I'll vote for to become the next POTUS. I have more faith he'll shake things up, and actually do some things for the people of our great nation. Border security, jobs, roll over and take out Terrorist who fuck with us, and force companies that move out of the US looking for the cheap labor, to return or have their greed profits cut to crumbs with import taxes. That is a security issue also if you think about it. One example, right now almost no tires for cars are made in the USA. If the foreign countries that make them stopped exporting them to us, they could fuck us. If we made tires here in the USA, we'd keep right on rollin'

We need to make all the things we use everyday. Made in America is more than a catch phrase, it's a policy that needs to be in place to ensure National Security and Financial Security.
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